Currently Don't Need the Sprinklers
21.VIII.07 - MoM
I finally made it to sleep at a decent hour last night, only awake briefly at 3 a.m., and slept till 5:30. Had to unplug last night during a little thunder storm that only produced a little shower but it was enough to keep my sprinklers off.
Charlie came by after his appointment to get the garbage that I had ready down to the curb and Nate brought it up on his way home this afternoon. I appreciate the service. Someday, I should be able to do it myself, but not for a while.
I got off to a slow start for the day with a lot of napping and some Freecell, but in the afternoon I began a written list of things that I need to get done and also one for shopping tomorrow with Sandy. I already was able to "tick" off a couple of things, this afternoon. With my fading memory, I have to do more list making on the computer and in one place. I have a tendency to make a note of those things but on any little piece of paper or old envelope, etc., -- anything that is handy then ignoring or losing them.
I hope the brief thunder and sprinkle is it for tonight but really don't think so. The latest was that it would be in the middle of the night, again. I had pulled the plugs and I ate my "dinner" during this, but will continue to be on battery a little while longer.
Dinner was easy again -- the other half of the chicken pie and an ear of Sandy's corn, cooked and in the Fridge for a couple of days, reheated in the Mikro. I continue to be amazed at the combinations that you create, Suzy, and especially with Bill's dietary limitations.
By the way, is Bill missing any dark glasses? Sandy sent home a pair that I had found on the floor and put on her kitchen table, in my stuff thinking they were mine.
I think it is a kick that the CAT has new sounds. Didn't realize that could happen.
I was about to plug in my computer again, but I'm beginning to hear a storm in the distance, again. Guess it's time to check this and mail it.
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