Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Clueless Water Nazis


Obviously, the city fathers of River Falls have no experience with water rationing. The logical was it's done, as we in GNV have experienced numerous times, is to start with an every other day plan based on the last digit of your address. Then move to restricting those times to before 10:00 AM and after 4:00 PM. Then move to two days a week. As a last resort, allow only hand watering with automatic shut-off nozzles (i.e., you have to actually stand there and water). But you never try to turn the outside watering completely off. People will just ignore it, as it is obviously unreasonable. They need to buy a clue.

It's good we've finally had some long, soaking rains, and are just about caught up for the year. However, we've not had our daily afternoon showers return, and of course the humidity has now turned downright killer. Temps got to 99 here today, and with the humidity factored in, off the charts.

I had to venture out today, as we needed CD audio books and liquor for the trip. We now have Harry Potter 5-7, none of which Bill has read yet, and ample supplies of our preferred libations.

I'd rush ordered vol. 2 of the pocket ed of Strangers in Paradise, thinking I'd bring it on the trip to read. Hah! It arrived after 6:00 tonight, and I'm halfway through it! I'll probably bring it, along with vol. 1, and give them to Sandy. It's wonderful, wonderful stuff. I'll bring the next couple of Jane Austen mysteries for reading.

Bill is up for this trip. He so needs to get away from the office for awhile-- hasn't had a decent vacation in way too long, as he's on call 24/7 when he's in town. He's especially looking forward to his first visit to Emma's.

Mom, our room supposedly has a king-sized bed and Whirlpool-- I'm sure it will do us fine. I doubt if we'll be spending much time there, in any case.

Glad to hear Chris is out of the medical slammer. Bill says this kind of home treatment via shunt is fairly common. It was new to me, tho. Get completely well, Chris!

Really time to start thinking about packing! I have a basic list that I modify for each trip, but I haven't even looked at it yet. But hey, if I've got the books and the booze covered, the rest will take care of itself, right? And the highway's (mostly) free...


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