Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A slow day

8.VIII.07 - MoM

I could not seem to get started at anything today. I slept well last night again in my chair. Don't know why I was so "logy" all day. It made for a day with little getting done.

I called Kay this morning and found that Chris' fever was still down and no headache this morning and that perhaps he could leave the hospital in the next day or two. And, it sounds as if he will be back at work soon, but he has to have a daily test at his doctor's office for a little while.

Pleased to hear from you, Suzy that you do not have to be so rushed with your visit next week. Sounds as if it is going to be a repeat of this weeks hot weather. Another rain event seems to be missing us tonight, even though it is getting dark a little early tonight. I was going to empty the -4/10th today but didn't feel quite steady enough - on my usual good days, it is not a problem.

My new sticky bug traps are already doing their thing. I have 3 big crickets on the one in the closet and 3 on the one in the front room. I hate it when they challenge me in the bathroom. It isn't as easy to stomp on them when I am broken. The traps have helped a lot.

It was surprised that I only needed the AC on for a short time this afternoon. Again tonight, I do not expect to need much in the way of a cover.

Sandy did a little local grocery shopping for me. I don't have to make detailed lists as they are frequently the same old same old. She did call to see if I was in the mood again for a rotiss chicken -- a very good suggestion. That with cucumbers and grape tomatoes made a good dinner.

* * * * *

Daily notes from Saalfelden during a a period when we were living under a cloud due to the dollar's bad fall in 1987.

28.I.87 69.0 Kg Mittwoch

DoD's # 75! He liked having his favorite wool shirt fixed so he could wear it again -- my birthday present to him. Had a rather sleepless night with the radio on almost all night. Dozed more than I slept for some reason. No pain, however, taking a Tylenol ^ codeine for the usual bedtime pain.

Our champagne and crab breakfast was fun. Due to not sleeping much last night and probably the Champagne, I took a nap in my chair after breakfast. Then it was time to start cooking. Made an apricot pie (the easiest to make and DoD can eat it with ice cream). By then it was lunch time but we decided to have an early dinner as we were not all that hungry after the late breakfast. So I did not have to stop for that but could go on making the chicken stuffing. I put a nice little 2 ½ pound roaster in the convection at 160C (325 F) at 15 minutes before 2:00 p.m. Shortly after we got the bad news about the big drop in the dollar -- down tomorrow from 12.60 - 13.20 t0 12.30 - 12.90. Decided we could put in $1,000 today toward next month's expenses. Well! This time they gave us tomorrow's rate instead of what is quoted for today. I guess they did not want to get stuck for that much. That really frosted us and DoD came home saying he had had it. So, as of now we are going to make plans to leave in May or June. I am sure it will cost us dearly, but nothing compared to paying what the rent has become. This new rate makes it something like $1500.00 per month and that does not include the electricity and telephone. Still no bottom in sight. The military are going to get a COLA raise starting this week so won't be so bad for them.

(Booming fireworks outside again. Have no idea what the occasion is!)

I know all of this is putting a lot of stress on DoD. I have to be careful about any negative thoughts when talking to him, such as about how I expect her to stick it to us, etc. Yesterday he said that my idea for the new room above the dining room there had given him a whole new incentive for wanting to get back there and get some tools in his hands. I am ready to go too, as I hate waiting for 2:00 p.m., to get further bad dollar news. I frequently am thinking of the plus things as I am cooking, etc., but once in a while I remember the hassle of driving places in traffic and the heat and humidity. A small air-conditioner unit until we can do the whole house should help with the sleeping. Perhaps we can find more things we need in Winchester, Charles Town, or Martinsburg without having to go to Tysons and D.C. area.

Had a letter from Jan and Bill. Lots of snow there. They think they could cope with the dollar for travel in Europe but are scared to death of flying with the terrorists that surface from time to time.

Well, I had to slow down the chicken a bit while DoD did the bank bit. I was using turkey broth that had a very sweet taste and was about to give up on the gravy. However, once it got mixed with the drippings it became wonderful. The chicken was fantastic. The breast was so very juicy and the most tender I think I ever remember. Mashed potatoes and peas rounded out the meal.

Of course, finishing eating about 3:30 p.m., really messes up ones body schedule. It was too late to take a walk or start a project. We both took short naps in our chairs trying not to sleep long so as to make it hard to sleep tonight. I lasted till 8:00 p.m. when I went to bed to read.


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