Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Long and Short


Short one. A long day at the lib, backbreaking work hauling stuff in and out of the stacks.

And it rained all day long, at times with hurricane-like fury, which made it hard getting to work, home, to lunch and even between buildings. Precip still very welcome, since it's been so dry, but made everything more difficult.

The mail brought a surprise-- the new Bab5 direct-to-vid that I wasn't sure I'd ever actually ordered. I HAD to watch it tonight, but since the player attached to the TV is on the fritz, did it on the laptop, which has its own problems. Fun to see at least a few of the cast members reunited, and nice remembrances of the two who have died. It was in two parts, one I liked a lot more than the other. I hope there are more of them, and supposedly there will be.

Yesterday I got the at home things done, but not the shopping-- it rained yesterday too. Pleasantly uncrowded at Outback, first chance we've had to chat with Mel in ages.

Hard keeping the eyes open. Oh-- I'll bet I know why-- it's nearly 2:00 AM, and I've been up about 18 hours after 6 hours of sleep. Need to do something about that. Soon. Maybe I'll be more coherent tomorrow night.



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