Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007



Arrrgh! Won't SOMEBODY please tell me Marty is alive and well??!! I'm assuming no news is good news, but with this crazy family, who knows... "Well, we didn't want to worry you..." @#$%$

Okay, got that off my chest, if not off my mind just yet.

I did go into the lib this morning, worked all day. Both Jim and Mil were on vacation, so I was on my own. I finished off the six boxes I had been working on, got the key to the closed stacks, wrestled them back into the shelves (on the top shelves, of course), then brought out another six. They are heavy, They have to be carried up a short flight of 6 steps to the book truck, which can't manage one step, let alone six.

The boxes have recently been moved around in there, destroying the stack/range/shelf inventory Mil and company had laboriously created), but even worse, they put all the boxes on the shelves BACKWARDS, so the box numbers do not show! There are over 150 boxes in this sorry state. I have started my own little baby-step mini-project of turning them around. It's not hard, just awkward, and if not careful, back pain results. Sigh.

I worked on repairing the problems I discovered with my system last Friday. Took a lot of the day, and tended to confuse me even more. Too much time wasted going back to be sure what I'd repaired was right. And always finding at least one or two errors. One step up and two steps back.

Out to lunch at Chili's with Barbara. I'd taken a pound of ground beef out of the freezer last night, so pretty much had to go ahead and make what I'd planned, even though we weren't particularly hungry, especially for more Mexican-type food: huge chipotle-infused burgers stuffed with cheese, broiled, served sans buns. I did a piss-poor job of burying the cheese, and most of it leaked out onto the broiler pan. Live and learn.

Dryer just dinged-- towels are ready to fold. Bill's sox will have to wait til tomorrow.

Ah yes, tomorrow: need to write and mail bills; try to pick up the new Bab5 direct-to-video disk; obtain a case of Tanq and a couple half gallons of Old Granddad; and make my weekly Thursday date with Scooba on the kitchen floors while swiffer/scrubbing the bathrooms. What fun!

Better get some sleep; six hours again last night, not nearly enough for me. But first, "Barmaid-- last call."


At 6:39 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Marty's fine. Sorry the delay; we didn't realize you were worried, and we should have known you would be.


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