Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mostly Batman


Thanks for the news from Lake Pepin-- was wondering how it was going. Sounds like a good adventure.

All's quiet here. Alas, no rain, although at least once each day, usually more often, it clouds up, gets dark, booms and glooms, but nary a drop. Lawn is once again reverting to straw, bushes beginning to flag. So disheartening.

Yesterday Scooba and I did our thing in the kitchen, and I did the bathroom floors on my own. Except for the coffee table heap, I did the full tilt Blessing thing for the week.

Made it in to the Lib this afternoon to start the serious de-duping. Jim was not there, so had to figure out on my own how to proceed. Once again, my brilliant scheme and awesome spreadsheet printouts ran into problems when faced with the reality of these 214 boxes of stuff. Looking for dups that I knew about, I ran into tons I did NOT know about while going through boxes of mostly Batman. Looks like there will be way more than 600 dups, and who knows how many copy 3+ (which we will get rid of). I am only up to Box 13, and I skipped a few, which I now realize I should go back and check for hidden dups. Sigh.

We tried to grab a quick lunch on the way in around 1:00, but weirdly, could not get into any of the usually quiet haunts. Tonight in the paper I see that the Jehovah's Witnesses are having their annual conference here again. The city gives them a big subsidy, as it helps the Local Economy during the slow season. Maybe so, but it makes it hard to have lunch in a hurry. We ended up grabbing some take out stuff from the Little Round Store on campus, happy they were not only open, but had real food; last summer, they had nothing but snacky stuff in noisy packaging.

Got the towels changed and done before leaving. A load of whites done after arriving back home. What I did NOT do is get the meals/shopping list done for next week. I know I want to make a FC pasta recipe adapted to the bunch of leftover spaghetti squash I have, but need to finalize details.

How nice that Sandy and Julia will be able to read HP7 at the same time. I wonder, in the history of the world, if ANY book has been read by so many people in such a short time span? "One World, One Book?" And what a very strange book for that record to fall upon?

And I predict that "Post Potter Depression" will become a catch-expression, if it hasn't already. You heard it here (well, not here, but in one of my recent tweets) first. And JKR will have the worst case of all.

I am currently reading JPod and Ambient Findability, in addition to picking up where I left off LoTR. It makes for a somewhat scattered inner life.

"Last call?" from the other room. Barmaid attends, glad to make use of complicated mis en place one more time. G'nite.


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