Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Temp could mot be nicer

22.VII.07 - MoM

Might as well start the blog, even though it is 2:30 p.m. We are having a little storm so I had to unplug my wireless and go to battery power.

I was all excited about transferring some more slides today, but I ran into a little problem, first thing. I did not see any place to put in the identification and a place to save it. I wonder if the whole box I did yesterday saved. I did have a place to label it, however. I found the West Coast Family that Chris had done and it has all the classics. Will be fun to print some of them. There was another roll I did yesterday that had what I think was of stuff from around Paris but the pictures were mostly dark like dusk and I would have thought they might be black and white except once in a while a few bits of color. I must have done them as some of them were not properly "boxed." Another box I did yesterday was almost 100% snowy mountains from our first Swiss trip. They are pretty but not identified and soon all looked the same.

I have to get with it for getting my things together of Lake City. It's only for a few days, but there are so many little things that I miss if I don't have them. Since the units are individually owned, I will be surprised if they have internet connections. We were last there in Oct, 2004, and they didn't then.

I took it easy today and had one 15-minute nap. The above "storm" didn't amount to much with only a little noise and a few drops. I had just finished watering all the plants and the fountain on my bedroom deck. I don't know where the time went, but I guess I was ready for a quiet and more or less quiet day.

I had one of the two remaining chicken thighs with the sauce for dinner tonight. Still plenty of food in the reserve for me before we go.

The extremely hot weather didn't happen yet. I haven't listened to any weather on TV today, so I don't know if the earlier extreme heat is still in the plan.

I continue to be amazed at all you accomplish, Suzy, and find time to work and read, too.

Perhaps I'll have the poop to continue Austria tomorrow. I really do enjoy it.


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