Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Strategic Retreats


The hobbits, along with their five companions, have been struggling up Mt. Caradhras in a vicious snowstorm. They've finally had to give up and go back down again the way they came.

That's kind of the way I feel today. I worked and worked, and somehow there is more to do than when I started.

Another meal tonight that will amaze you, Mom: turkey tenders dipped in egg, then "almond flour" (which I created by putting plain almonds in the mini-Cuisinart), sauteed in oil, then set aside and sprinkled with tarragon and basil and kept warm while making a sauce of white wine and butter. Topped with sliced avocados and the sauce-- weird! But actually, rather successful, and zippo carbs.

Sunday I picked up a bag of clementines-- usually we only see these in cute little wooden boxes, which makes them very expensive. I wasn't exactly sure what they were, but trying them today, I discover they are smaller than tangerines, very easy to peel, and very tasty. I need to use they up quickly, though, as I know they won't last long in this heat. Maybe have them with some of the leftover avocados.

The Superhero book continues to make good reading, and is especially interesting in terms of defining comics genres. I have a lingering interest in writing something about the "funny annimal" genre, and this, along with Rusty Witek's chapter on Maus in Comic Books as History, makes a great starting point.

And speaking of comics, I did put in 15 minutes into marking dups. Almost done with the G's. If the clock weren't so firmly fixed into the AM hours, I'd be tempted to finish them right now. However, I suspect that work would have to be redone anyway.

Marty, I hope you are feeling better now that you're home and can relax a bit. I all too vividly remember what it's like to be stuck at work feeling lousy. Nice part about retirement: can lie down for 20-30 minutes when needed, often a miraculous cure. Take good care of yourself, please. And keep on twittering! :-)

Having the final swig here, a bit more mellow than when I started this post. Trying to decide if the descent of hobbits & friends into the mines Moria, or a deeper investigation into Seventeen magazine and the invention of the Teenage Girl would be more conducive to restful sleep.

No contest: MORIA here I come!


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