Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sleep Patterns


Just a short one. Reading Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her, I discover that one of the two main writers was born in Ladora IA in 1905. Much of chapter 2 is dedicated to depicting life in Ladora at that time-- fascinating!

Didn't get out to shop, so had to get creative for dinner. Had the ingredients for Unstuffed Cabbage, and had it ready when Bill walked through the door. Always nice.

Very hot here, but at least some rain in the afternoon. After an evening shower, I'm wearing the skimpy summer dress I got at Old Navy a few weeks ago just for nights like this. Nice having an appreciative audience, although I'd never set foot outside the house in it.

Mom, my sleep habits are probably not inherited-- or at least, not from you. After all, as we see from your current Jottings, when you were the age I am now, you were voluntarily getting up at ungodly early hours. I keep hoping I'll suddenly become a born again early bird, but I'm beginning to think it just ain't gonna happen.

How embarrassing, sending out engraved invitations, only to have the wrong date on them! Provost Party III is now scheduled for August 17. This may present some travel plan complications.

Okay, here's one more attempt to get to bed at a decent hour: 1:30. G'nite.


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