Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

5.VII.07 - MoM

I had a good night -- got by without the noise of the AC and definitely didn't need the warm gown. Barely needed "little Blue."

Got rid of the clutter I had allowed to accumulate on the counters before Paige arrived to clean.

Needed the AC by noon. but was able to shut it off a little after 5. Will be sleeping with the same light stuff as last night.

Sandy and Charlie came by on their way home from Jane's house where they had been working all day.

I had the usual things to eat during the day, but had a Michelina TV chicken lo mein with added cashews for dinner. Ate almost the entire package with a little effort.

I had had a couple of naps in the afternoon, but I am already having trouble staying awake -- but it is 9 p.m. I would have the AC on for sleeping tonight, but don't like the noise.

Don't know why I am suddenly so very tired. I will be sorry, but I am going to send this without proofing it. I am sure it is full of errors, but as Herb would say, "So be it!" I'll be he didn't know it but that really translates to "Amen."

* * * * *

Another day's notes from our life in Saalfelden, Austria.

9.I.87 69.0 Kg Freitag

Had a good night. Could not open my window wide as the temperature was quite low. Propped the two to a point. It got down to -19 C (-3 F) but my room was around 4 C (40 F). No sleeping problems went back to sleep quickly when I woke up. Got up about 5.30 and disted, swept and polished upstairs. Nice to have it clean most days again.

Spent a lot of time at Apple in a.m., and did not bother me. However, the swollen place at the base of my skull was quite tender and sore and ached. By noon it was hurting all thru my shoulder and neck. Did a run thru of the 200 word Berlitz exercise and it is getting better, not quite back to doing it as well as I used to.

Nect so bad after lunch that I took a Tylenol ^ codeine and slept in my chair for almost an hour. Much better when I woke up. By evening, however, I was having the same problem on the other side. To me that was good news as it was more likely to be a sore gland and was not localized in the area of the problems I have been having.

Worked on slides in the afternoon. Will be glad when I get them cleared from the table. Just about 1 ½ rolls left to do. Does well when I know where they are and don't have to research them.

Fried a thick piece cut from the already cooked piece of ham we bought yesterday. Tried out "German Potato Salad" from my old pressure cookbook. It was quite good, but the vinegar is a little strong here, even if I had diluted it a little. Going to try a recipe almost like it that is done in the micro. Had broccoli with packaged dill sauce for DoD. Going to try to work at new recipes to spice up our meals. I had soe of my bood horseradish mixed with Preiselberren (local cranberry) sauce with my ham. Love it.

Read in bed a little after the 19.30 news, but did not take long to get sleepy. Temp still cold, so just propped the windows open "to a point."


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