Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Didn't need the AC today -- great temp!

1.VII.07 - MoM

I managed to get through the day without any naps today. I was awake a little in the middle of the night. Can you believe that I was cold under "little Blue" and in a flannel granny gown in my chair so I put on the fireplace for about a half an hour.

Being Sunday, it took me longer than a weekday to get through the paper before setting out to pay the things that are going to be due in July -- the other half of the property taxes and the yearly house insurance policy, etc. Then there were some other monthly things that aren't withheld. I was trying to work in my chair and out of my OIB. Somehow, I could not keep things sorted out and felt a lot of frustration as I spent so much time looking for things that got lost in the mess. Working at my desk makes my neck hurt, but next time I'll try to put up with that pain and try for speed.

My salad from Friday full of olives, greens, artichoke hearts, etc., made a very filling meal today with the tuna.

Even tho it is early, I am barely staying awake -- what else is new. The French Onion Soup sounds so good, I think I will give it a try one of these days.

* * * * *

A continuation of daily notes from Saalfelden, Austria, in 1987.

5.1.87 69 Kg Montag

The weight should really have had a plus with it. Was hoping to go down yet again. At least, the 69 translates to 152.14 which is not too bad, but still want to get back to the 145.

Watched the temperature in the room as it was -9 C outside so had to "crack" the window about 1 a.m. as inside was 2 C (35 F) and I did not want to have to worry about it. About 3 a.m., I was too warm and the room had warmed up so opened one window as I knew it would not cool off too much before morning. I had a good night and went back to sleep quickly each time I woke up. Of course, I did not sleep on my right side.

It was snowing when we got up -- 4 or 5 inches. Probably have gotten a foot or more in the last two snows (yesterday and today). Certainly can't complain about the snow so far this year. Haven't been shopping for so long. DoD goes it as we can't take the cart so only gets what he wants to carry and I keep the list to only what we need right now. When I go somehow we get a lot more stuff. One of these days we will have to reload up.

"Polished" all the bathrooms and kitchen stuff. Last time I got cleaned up Inga called and came by. Maybe there was a reason why I did it today. Seemed to take a good part of the morning to get it done.

Began to get a bit of neck headache so took a ½ Valium in morning. Continued to have neck and some problems even with that Valium in morning and one in early afternoon. Have lost faith in that being of much help when I get the ache. Also, my arms and chest hurt too much to work at slides and the computer.

Coated a couple of trout with cornmeal (after milk, flour and egg). I ate the wonderful skin from both of them as well as all of my trout. Also, had boiled potatoes and canned corn. Not much of a way to diet, along with minestrone soup for lunch, loaded with cheese and a small piece of apricot pie. Still kept my martinis to my new allotment and we ate soon after 18.00. With a TV program at 18.30 it was a little easier to wait for 19.30 news without getting so sleepy. Read until almost 21.00 last night on a new book. [Sorry I didn't identify what I was reading during this period.]


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