Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Computer Frustrations!

28.VI.07 - MoM

I hope you had a fun #16 celebration yesterday, Julia. I still haven't made the cards I hoped to, but the contents are waiting here for you. (Same for you Marty, and Suzy & Bill -- of course, yours won't have to wait for you to come to pick it up.)

Had another session with the physical therapist. Sandy was here and I found out that I was supposed to put some weight on my healing leg instead of favoring it. I will be taking some Advil in that case.

I took everything into my bedroom last night, looking forward to sleeping there. That dream was short lived -- no matter what position I tried, including putting my leg on a pillow, it was very uncomfortable, so I packed up the stuff I needed during the night and it was back to the chair again. I had a very good night there. I am going to let it heal a little more then try again.

This morning, I was going to print a couple of pictures from the computer only to find that instead of 2600+ pictures on file, there were only about 600 still there. After checking a couple of things, I put in a panic call to Sandy. She was nearby so she came over. She is sure they are still in there somewhere, but wasn't able to find them either. I have a lot of them on CD's but still hope to retrieve the rest.

Didn't take time to nap today so, even though it is only 4:30 p.m,, I am barely awake. Will have "dinner" before too long so I can go to bed early. By the time I finished that sentence I had changed my mind and took a couple of "timed" naps.

Then, I had yet another dinner of a big pile of the rotiss chicken (last day for that) and the rest of the big bowl of my AgroGrow greens. Tomorrow, will be my first real outing (the doctor's appointment didn't count). It is to be lunch and a bit of groc shopping. I am going to be using my old, faithful wheelchair. At about 40 plus years old, it is getting to be almost an antique.

* * * * *

Back to the year of 1987 while we were living in Saalfelden.

2.1.87 70.0 Kg Freitag

After a spotty night for sleep and neck and headache problems, I stayed in bed until 6:30 a.m. Grey, overcast and raining on the snow with temps about 0-1° C but it still hasn't managed to melt all the snow yet. It was raining hard when we went out last night and would have made wonderful snow.

Did not have much appetite this morning. My stomach seemed to have butterflies so with letting my tea cool a lot I only had two of my very rich choc chip cookies and 2 slices of bacon instead of 3 or 4 pieces of bacon and a slice of bread soaked in melted marj. Felt a little less nervous after a half Valium. Really going to make every effort to cut back on the food and drinks. Want to get back down to at least 65 Kg.

Made 8 new file folders -- sneaking up on it gradually. Some Apple time getting some of last years records completed and setting up the new ones, took up most of the day. Started a birthday letter to Sandy that I need to get out but since I did not finish it and with the weekend, now it won't go until Monday. Oh well, that is nothing new. One of the problems of having a birthday so near Christmas.

Felt much better today than yesterday, and that had been an improvement over Wednesday especially and Thursday. No headache during the day. Took another Valium ½ in early afternoon.

The dollar listing for next Monday was a great shock. It had been 13.20 that was a new low on Friday, and most depressing but then it went to 13.25-13.85! The first time both were below 14 -- and just a week or so ago it was 13.85! That did make DoD decide he should go to the bank before it closed and put some in. Where will it end? UGH! UGH! Certainly wish they would peg it and stop the manipulators playing with it. (Of course, I wish they would settle it higher.)

Made boiled dinner from a couple of bottom rounds (guess that is what it would translate into as an American cut) but I did not think it had cooked although as it got toward dinner time so finished it in the pressure cooker and also cooked the veggies that way. Worked out fine.

Had a nice chat with Frau Eder (in German). Seems that the lady from the pretty house across the street in our Christmas card picture saw the card and wanted Frau Eder's if she had no further use for it. Frau E had already sent it home with her daughter so I gave her one to pass on to the woman. We watched from downstairs as Barbara's [landlady's daughter] new boy friend arrived for a vacation. We have been "invaded" since Susie and her family left. Barbara and her kids have a lot of friends so we are in for a noisy week. A couple of 14 year old boys can make a pretty good tromp when they play upstairs. Not bad since it is for a short tine, but would hate to have it all the time.

Tried out a new timing for dinner. With "Hazel" and "Hogan's Heroes" (for Glenn) on TV starting at 18:30 followed by the news, we were ending up with dinner about 20.00. This increased the drinks as I waited for it to be time to put dinner on the table. Now starting it at 16.30 and want to get it on the table at 18.00 so as to be thru by 18.30. Worked out fine. Cut my drinks by one and now will cut the half next. Also, really worked at not snacking, especially while cooking dinner.

It does mean that I am ready for bed quite early, but have a good arrangement for reading in bed. Only problem is getting sleepy so soon after I get in bed.


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