Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Up and down day

23.VI.07 - MoM

It was an up and down day. I had a good enough night -- although I was sleeping in my chair, it was the first night I didn't have my legs completely rigid -- I woke up with my good leg bent -- a very small item but a little progress. I had the patio door open and the temp was good for sleeping -- still with only "little Blue" for cover. How would I have made it through this without it?

I was pleasantly surprised when Marty and Ben came by. I had talked to Sandy about a Rotiss chicken earlier last week while I still had plenty of food so Sandy asked her to include one and a container of mixed fruit for me when she shopped this morning. Saved me from having a chicken pie. This will give me sustenance for quite a few days. Yesterday, Christa had picked my indoor "cherry" tomatoes and they went well with it. I am going to cut back my indoor lettuce "jungle" tomorrow and that should make several days of salad.

I was so very sleepy again mid-day and took some more naps. I made my Saturday call to Thea. This time she had forgotten that it was "that" day -- unusual for her as she is usually sitting by the phone. Thank goodness, she was able to hear pretty well and she didn't have to have Penny repeat it for her.

I guess the "down" part of the day -- walking was more uncomfortable than during the past couple of days. I guess that is to be expected. I did not take any Tylenol today, but I think I will take one at bedtime.

The temperature was very "moderate" today but the next few days are headed into the 90s! I didn't need any AC today.

I am very excited about the "gadget" I ordered yesterday to make prints from slides and negatives -- I hope it lives up to its advertising. Won't be available to ship till 7 July. I have not been able to figure out how to use the one with my computer. This looks easy and I am always ready to try any new idea.

Tomorrow I am determined to get out to the daisies on my bedroom deck to make a new card -- I already have in mind what I hope to do. It is no problem getting out there except my laziness. Tomorrow, I will take a Tylenol if it is as uncomfortable as it was today. I have forgotten if I had good and bad days with the last one. I see the surgeon on Wednesday. I haven't the faintest memory of what he looks like but I guess he is quite young.


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