Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Made of Glass


I resisted the siren call of The Book last night, but not today. I held off picking it up at all until lunch time, and reached the tipping point around 1:30. The rest of the day was toast. Managed to rip myself away long enough to make San Diego Tuna Salad (guac dressing) and 'Baga Fries for dinner, with just 20 pages to go.

Good thing I waited. I was not left shattered, exactly. Just feeling like I am made of glass, and the slightest breeze or deep breath or deep thought will leave me in a million sharp shards. I am still living in the reality of the book.

Sandy: Read (or listen to) this book-- but only when you have a lot of time to read or a lot of driving to do. Selfishly, I'd say AT ONCE, because I need to talk about it, but I know a consuming read might not fit into your present schedule. I will be patient.

I am all achy breaky leg muscles today from the frenzied work in the big room yesterday. Didn't get any pictures taken.

Phone bill came-- indeed, I was being charged 15 cents per message during the two weeks I had new Tweets sent to my phone-- all 298 of them, including the few I sent from the phone, which added up to $44.55. Good thing I turned that feature off when I did. Bill spent nearly an hour on the phone tonight trying to change our plan to an unlimited text message option. No luck. The No-Help Desk in Bangala Desh could not comprehend who he was or what he wanted. He had also tried to do this online, with similar frustration. This brave new world has some gaping holes in it-- mainly those parts of the chain they try to fill with the cheapest possible human interaction. Amazing how hard it is to get them to take more of our money! We shall persist. The Twitter text messaging did more to bond me with the advanced features of my phone than anything I'd tried so far.

Did not get out to shop today, needless to say. Nothing left to fix tomorrow, so MUST go out. Wish I could make myself go across town to Fresh Market, but I have my doubts.

Still locked into the world of The Book, and reluctant to break the spell.


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