Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Wonder if there will be more heat records this year?

16,VI.07 - MoM

Just had a chat with Dot. I must factor that into my Saturday afternoon routine as she was so happy to hear from me. In spite of her fading memory, she always recognizes me. I am ashamed to think of how long it has been since I called. For some reason, I think of calling her Sunday afternoon, but that sometimes is church day and when the family visits her. I think Barb comes by on Saturday. I had my earlier call to Thea and she was hearing pretty well. I think I have only forgotten to call her a couple of times during the quite a few years I have been doing it -- long before DoD died.

Last night, I started with sleeping a couple of hours in my chair, then when I woke up I decided to try sleeping in my bed. I slept quite well for a couple of hours, but woke up with my leg and back hurting and I could hardly wait to "limp" back to my chair. I think it was sometime around 3 a.m. I always wake up between 5 and 6 a.m., especially as on Saturday, I watch the Today Show from 6 to 8 a.m. I could not believe that it was exactly 8 a.m., when I finally woke up. That is the longest solid sleep I have had in a long time. It is making for a short day.

I had not expected to see Sandy or Charlie today until tonight on their way to a party, but they were by mid-day to drop off some excellent food from a Japanese restaurant where they had had lunch. I had enjoyed my one lunch there with Sandy a few months ago. There was enough for today and tomorrow so I can put off my fall back meal of Schwan's chicken pie yet a while longer. They are not planning to be in tomorrow.

While Sandy was here today, I asked her to see if one of my ink cartridges was "out" as I hadn't been able to print yesterday and it isn't easy for me to check such things in my current condition. DUH! the printer cable wasn't plugged in to the computer -- I hadn't noticed it had fallen out!

Our hot weather continues to hang around but I think there might be some storm stuff tonight. I think I will unplug before I go to bed and perhaps bring in my weather radio before I go to bed. I am already getting sleepy and I have only just started my drink. Worse yet, it isn't even 8 p.m. yet. * * * * * Now, 8:30 and I have done most of my pre-bed stuff. Added some more ice to the already diluted gin but there is still a hint of gin left. Need to end this before the sleepies catch up to me again.

I don't know how I would sleep during this hot spell without "little Blue." I used it just for naps in my chair in winter. It is just right as the night cools after needing no cover when I go to bed.


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