Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, June 10, 2007



What a messed up day. Didn't food shop. Didn't get the spreadsheet finished. Didn't get the DirecTV bill in the mail and it's gonna be late.

Bill wanted to drive out to Newberry in the afternoon and check out a gun shop, something he's been meaning to do for years. I opted to go with him instead of shopping-- not time to do both. Turned out they did not have what he was looking for. On the way back, we drove around the Town of Tioga, a new planned community, complete with stores, all the houses very old timey, all different, some huge, some attached, etc. They've done spectacular job with the landscaping, I must admit, but it just felt weird to be there. Kind of like Disneyland but without the crowds.

Stopped by Goerings, and I left $86.00 poorer, but got some good stuff, mosly comics related, including Tom Andrae's new book on Barks. Also, The Lost Child by Keith Donohue, which has been very well reviewed.

Then we needed to go by the Education Library to see if they had power again after the fire, and if there were lingering smoke fumes. Yes, power; no, fumes. They'll be open again tomorrow after being closed since Friday.

We decided to go for an early dinner at a place we used to like when we lived on the NW side of town. Big mistake-- it was awful. Decent crab cake appetizer, but the rest just dreadful. Sad. I could have whumped up something from the pantry and/or freezer better than that!

Summer has descended with a hot steamy thud of mid-90 temps. I guess we should be grateful that it's so late in the year-- sometimes it starts in early April. Still, it's depressing to know this will be the regime until October. The house was not cool when we got home-- about 80 degrees in most rooms. Nothing for it but to turn on every ceiling fan in the house, commune with my good friends Ben & Jerry, then sleep for a few hours.

Julia signed on to Twitter today. Of course, this would be the day I didn't do at least a token morning Tweet and none til I woke up tonight. I'm still waiting for the phone bill to arrive so I can see if I can go back to using my phone. Bill has been trying to get through to our carrier (whoever the hell they are these days-- they keep eating each other) to review our plan and add text messaging for my Twittering pleasure on the go. But he's not been able to penetrate their phone-menu hell so far.

I am going to have to drive myself in and get a haircut tomorrow, then food shop somehow. It just seems like things are so out of control.

Okay. Deep breath. I did change the sheets this morning. I also changed and laundered the towels. That should count for something, right?

Here's something else that made me smile today. I love Unshelved. Most of the time it's wonderfully snarky and very knowing in the ways of Library Land, but the Sunday "Book Club" reviews are a little softer, and always point to interesting things, usually kids' books. Today's is wonderfully sweet. And of course it makes me want to check out Owly.

That's enough for now. Tomorrow will be killer

Oh, and did I mention that it's hotter'n hooties?


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