Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Actually slept some last night!

10.VI.07 - MoM

As I start this I am so suddenly so tired that I'm afraid it is going to be only a quick check in. It has been a delightful day after the first really good night for me for in so long. I am still sleeping on my recliner with only your light blue. I really felt refreshed. I also had 2 15-minute naps that helped at the time. My leg seemed a little more "tender" today. I haven't had the AC on today. Having my feet in tennis shoes on such a hot day hasn't been comfortable so I have had them off whenever I sit down. Before you panic, I have put them back on (laced of course) every time I moved out of my chair.

It is only 8 p.m., and I am stretching my one drink, after a Boost for my evening "meal."

I had a long 3-way talk with Chris and Kay late this afternoon. She seems to be making progress.

We had a real Sunday dinner. Sandy had cooked ribs in the crockpot BBQ Pit roaster. They were very tender and excellent. With them we had bakes potatoes and some of their fresh spinach. Can you believe I ate a real serving of it -- I think the first time ever and it was very good. I still had the memory of the slimy overcooked mass that Pa (and Dan earlier) used to make.

The new camera had a "charger" with it along with a cord to plug it in. They looked everywhere in the living area for the misplaces cord with no results. Guess we'll have to order a replacement cord.

I hope I can drag my old bones from this chair to at least close/lock the front door. Going to leave the patio door open. Don't sleep well with cycling ACs.

Looking forward to the pictures of the new outfits!


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