Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Quests and Homecomings


Welcome home, Mom. I can only imagine how wonderful that must be for you, especially since you have such a lovely home, and such obliging and thoughtful helpers as Sandy and Charlie. My contributions ("Suzy Day" yesterday) are embarrassingly minimal, and the blanket would not have gotten to you without Marty's help. (Thanks, Marty.) And good for you, Mom, for realizing what you needed and asking her to bring it!

I loved the smiling, laughing pictures of you yesterday, back in the midst of your own milieu. And finally you have a chance to play with your new camera, with something worthy of your attention to shoot. I know you'll have fun with that.

I'm sure I had a swell day yesterday, but who knows what I did-- other than Twitter. One thing for sure, I was not inspired to re-do the comics dups list. And took me most of the day to figure out that's why I was so cranky. That, and the fact that I knew I'd have to go dress shopping today.

But made myself do it today. Decided I would shop first at the most local places (Target, Old Navy) and that I would have to buy something any place I walked into. That way, the shopping wouldn't seem such a waste.

The result of this was that I got A dress, but probably not THE dress. We'll call it a Plan B dress-- if all else fails, it will do. The collateral damage was some frivolous tops, and one frivolous dress. These things will probably only be worn around the house, but so what? That's where I spend most of my time these days. Will take up the dress search again tomorrow, along with the Quest for a Haircut.

Bill's days are just packed-- and not in a good way. He routinely gets calls before leaving for work, and this morning that involved a fire in a building where one of our branches is located. Fire did not reach our collection, but the smoke did. Complicated decisions ensued.

We got some very welcome rain this afternoon, after thunder loud enough to send the cat to her huddle-spot under the coffee table. Once it stopped, I noticed that there were actual mushrooms out in the lawn. A sure sign that we've had enough rain recently to dampen things up a bit. Probably too late for the caladiums that usually somehow manage to come up so many years after being planted amid the cilantro, the arugula and the marigolds.

Enough blathering. Gonna read off-line for a bit, then fall into a deep, restful sleep. I wish the same to all Flies, wherever you happen to be.


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