Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

40 Years and Counting


Good to see you posting again, Mom, and even better to hear you complaining about the food and wanting to go home. These are both signs you are doing well and feeling better. Too bad they won't let you have grits, though. How 'bout I smuggle a few packets in to you? All you'd need is some boiling water. Tell them you want to make tea!

Are you seriously thinking about meals on wheels?

The day looked beautiful from the inside this morning, but once out in it, the air smelled like the aftermath of a bad fraternity party-- beer-soaked ashtrays. The wind was just wrong, and the air was once again smazy, and now quite humid as well. We still need lots more rain. The last time we had anything near an inch was February 1 -- FOUR months!! No wonder it's like a tinderbox here-- all the usually lush vegetation bone dry. And we hear the fire is only "contained" and not out. More rain needed to finish up the job.

I got the cardboard outside for recycling-- finally. Also put three bags of junk into the garbage can. Sunday evening is the only proper time to do this, so as not to interfer with the usual household garbage. Pleased with myself for doing this.

Not so pleased with the dinner I concocted: a very mediocre chop suey thing. The bean sprouts I bought just yesterday were nearly all spoiled and slimy-- I had to pick through them to find a few that were still alive and usable. Ick. This undoubtedly colored my attitude toward the dish. Bill was delighted with it, strangely enough. Over cauli-rice with a side of leftover sushi and some frozen mini spring rolls -- these later were Kosher -- how ethnically eclectic can one meal get?

Continue to play catch-up in response to Everything is Misc and my Twitter-pals. I now have flickr and del-icio.us accounts and some idea of what to do with them. Realizing how burnt out I was the last year of work, that I resisted all this, and wanted nothing to do with libraries for the first five months of retirement. Now I'm back in the thick of it. How very odd.

Lessee. I changed/laundered sheets. Ditto towels (an experiment with changing them a little more frequently). Worked some on the Comics dedup -- straightened out the Amazing Spider-Man mess. I hope.

FRAK! Upcoming season 4 will be last of Battlestar Galactica. I'm torn between despair that it's ending, with relief that it did so before it jumped the proverbial shark.

It Was 40 Years Ago Today (more or less). Impossible. Mind still blown.

Time to get into the shower and then in between those clean sheets. G'nite.


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