Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Adventures in Cobbler


The cobbler was finally made this afternoon. It took a long time. Every time I bake anything, I wonder why I forgot how much I dislike baking. Flour everywhere. Have to be so exact with everything. Weirdness of blending in butter, but not too much! This recipe was more forgiving than most.

It took a couple of hours, which I guess qualifies as "easy" in FC-land. I used 10 peaches, about half over-ripe, half under-ripe, and a pint of blueberries. Flavored the dough with lemon zest (since I had a lemon half-zested from the tomato-cuke salad), and the fruit mixture with vanilla. It came out rather well, I must say. There's a ton of it, though, and since it is the very definition of Low Carb Sin, I can't count on Bill for help finishing it. Looks like I know what my breakfast will be for a week or so.

After cleaning up cobbler mess, time to start dinner, some roasted zucchini, Roma, onion and mushroom slices, finished with Mozzarella and served over spaghetti squash noodles. Not bad. I ate too much.

Listened to '40's radio again while in the kitchen. I have a swing version of "Diane" (i.e., in jaunty 4/4 time) stuck in my brain. Gawd, never realized how much maudlin dreck there was during the war: Dinah Shore singing to "Captain Curly-Head of the High Chair Brigade" praying for his Daddy's safety Over There. Plus a comical one about "After We Take Berlin." (How ya gonna keep em down on the farm after they take Berlin?" How indeed.)

Didn't get anything done on my little To Do list, alas. Didn't even do much Twittering, let alone much reading, although I did find a bit more time for Everything is Misc today. Had hoped to answer a few long overdue emails and do some serious de-duping of the comics list, but cobbler consumed most of the day. Again, lining out things on the morning and evening routines helped me feel less guilty about this.

Hope you are well and continue on the mend, Mom. Miss you.

It's me bedtime now. Nighty-night.


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