Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Post 1001


Congrats, Sand-Babe-- your short blog was Post Number 1,000 on Lotsa!! You win fabulous prizes and eternal glory!

Seems I spent most of the day wrestling with tech. My inability to mail pictures from my phone to myself turned out to be a symptom of a larger problem with the library's mail server. Once that was fixed, the pictures started coming in again. They're not very good, mainly due to my inability to be perfectly motionless, some to the limitations of the phone's camera.

But now at least I can show you a very poor image of the famous No Carb Taco Pizza. (Recipe available via email upon request.) Dunno how it will be as a leftover, as we haven't tried it yet. Too many other leftovers demanding attention. Have come to the conclusion I cook too damn much, and need to make fewer new things and serve more frequent reruns or recycles.

Tonight's dinner was something of an ordeal. For some reason I wasn't connecting the dots very well, and it just seemed like it took forever to do anything. Plus, as usual, I started too late. I made the "Chopped Tomato & Cucumber Salad with Mint & Feta" from FC 86 "Grilling for A Crowd" supplement, and it was fabulous. I halved the recipe, since it was for a crowd of two, but now I wish I'd made the whole thing so I could eat it for days. I didn't have enough Kalamatas, and I dressed the whole thing before letting it stand for awhile, to be sure that the scallions would be properly "cooked" for Bill's palate. Fabulous, yes, but quite time consuming.

I'd thawed half a pork tenderloin, but put off looking for a recipe until too late. Had to just wing it, and fully expected to be visited by the Food Police and arrested for cruel treatment of a good cut of meat, but it turned out pretty decent (garlic, fresh rosemary, Kosher salt, pepper, bit of olive oil, under the broiler). But I got the timing all wrong, and we ate at the ungodly hour of 8:15! The horror!

My plans for making a fresh fruit cobbler (from method in same FC 86) got scrapped when I realized 6 peaches weren't going to equal 8 cups, even with the addition of some blueberries. Did not have the mojo to cut the recipe down to fit available fruit. Will see what I can do with six rapidly over-ripening peaches tomorrow.

Found time to read only a few pages of Misc -- quite maddening, as it is so interesting and thought provoking. Need to allocate more time to Ze Life of ze Mind, which means cutting into Ze Life of ze Housekeepery and/or Ze Life of ze Farting Around.

It looked like Bill would actually get a full 3 day weekend until about 5:00, when he got the call. Problems with the automatic door locking. He had to go in and just wait around until after 7:00. Bummer.

The Blog misses you, Mom. Obviously.


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