Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Basics, Again


A back to FL basics sort of day. I actually got out my Control Journal and went through my list of Morning Routines, marking them off one by one. It's amazing what a difference that made. I got calmer, made myself do one thing at a time and finish it before going on to the next. Made myself a short to-do list, and did it all. Now working on the Bedtime Routines-- blogging is one of them.

No way was I going to attempt the fruit cobbler without adequate fruit. I made a quick trip to Publix to pick up some more peaches and Bill's low carb bread that I forgot Saturday. As always, picked up a few more things, but only things on my list. It was too late to start it today, so tomorrow for that.

Realizing I could not pack another single thing into the fridge, I just put out a large selection of leftovers. We ate enough of them that I could downsize some containers and get some breathing room in there. I need to do that more often. The Tomato Cuke salad was not on the table, though, because I wolfed down the rest of it at lunch. Oooo, that's good stuff. Might have to do that one again soon.

I've typed out the recipe for the... we'll call it quiche, which is actually what the original was called... or is Charlie the kind of Real Man who doesn't eat it? Will put it in the email when done here.

Had a jolt today when I realized I didn't really know how our phone contract covers text messages. As far as I can tell, it's 0.15 per "extra" message, but no indication of if there are any included, OR (and this is the important part) whether they charge for incoming as well as outgoing. If both, I'm in deep doodoo this month after two weeks of Twittering. I turned off the phone part until this is settled. Will definitely add a text message component to the contract.

We've been invited to another Honorary Event by the Provost, which will require ANOTHER cocktail dress! (Can't wear the same one to a party at the same house, right?) I have until June 12 to track another one down. Bleaah.

Send pix of the floor installation, Sandy, when you get a chance. Also an update on Mom would be welcome. I'm assuming that no news is good news, and that her recovery proceeds apace.

And here's a Before picture from me: this is what happens when you save an old, dried flower arrangement that includes cattails, and let it sit in the sun. More Before images to follow. They're too disturbing to publish all at once.

Go read book now.


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