Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Return of The Fighter


And very glad we are to have you Baaaack, Mom! Of course, no apologies necessary for "goofing off"-- I don't think anyone would characterized a week in the hospital recovering from a broken bone as that! Do pay attention to your pain meds, etc., though. You can't trust them to always be timely, or even right. As FL would advise, take care of yourself first, even in the hospital. Don't ever worry about inconveniencing them or asking questions. That's what they're there for.

Hope your recovery continues in a satisfactory way. You've been through this before, and know it can be done. You are Rocky. :-) You get knocked down, you get up again. However, I know it must be getting old. Hang in there. Maybe you should get your timer in there and take things 15 minutes at a time. I'm a firm believer in that particular magic.

Great pictures, Sandy. Thanks. Looks like your new floor is off to a great start. And really nice image of Mom's beautiful yard. Is the house Jane is selling the same one I visited back in the day? I have really pleasant memories of it. Good luck with the planting. Don't forget to take some "Before" pictures.

Speaking of "Befores," here's another in a series of the disaster area that is our living room. This one is facing the south windows-- the books on the floor are ones I had in my office at work. They've been there, leaning on each other and being destroyed by full sunlight since October. Shades of Aunt Dottie. I haven't done anything in there for about a week, not even take out the cardboard boxes I flattened last Sunday.

I did do some other stuff that needed doing, though: dusted, included some detailed dusting in the TV room, updating the FL calendar for June, and putting away winter clothes and getting out summer ones. Friday night routines done too: menu and shopping list made, bills written.

Scooba and I did the kitchen again yesterday, a routine that takes most of the afternoon-- he needs a 3 hour recharge between the two halves of the room. Of course, I can do other things while he cleans and recharges. I filled his clean water tank too fun on the second pass, so he spread more water than he was able to suck up at first, which looked messy for awhile. It all evened out in the end, though, and the floor looked fine. A little bit better each week.

Also spent some time today working on marking the dups on the comics list. That is going to be a very long, arduous process. I have to take frequent breaks from it, as it makes my head hurt. The data is so incredibly dirty (i.e., inconsistent and error-filled) that the temptation to try fixing everything I find slows the work to a crawl, and some things cannot be fixed without looking at the stuff itself.

We have our fingers crossed that TS Barry will head our way, as predicted, and drench us with rain tomorrow. Yesterday the smoke was horrible again. Even before getting out of bed I could tell, as it hurt to rub my eyes. If we don't get rain soon, the azaleas on the east side of the house will surely die. Bill says it rained a bunch on campus this afternoon, but nothing but a few drops here. Gloomy, muggy and dark all day, and nothing to show for it. Feh.

I continue having fun Twittering, and have learned so much from the things people casually toss out. Most of my Twitter-friends are librarians interested in so-called Web 2.0. It's too bad I didn't have this during the last year of work, as it has revitalized my connection with the field. Now if only I could find some comics friends too.

Last night at Outback we scored a freebie while sitting in the bar-- an accidental duplicate order of Ahi. It pays to be buddies with the bartender. There's never much time to chat with Mel these days, though, since they now have to wash the glassware themselves. Very bad policy decision on the part of management.

Time to read a bit and then bed.


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