Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Mom at home

7.VI.07 - MoM

Yesterday was "Suzy Day." First the fun rose bush then you made my night bearable. I was wondering how I was going to survive another night under the deplorable blanket arrangement they use here. They start you with a sheet and another sheet-like bedspread. Even in an air conditioned room, that is considered what you need for the night. If you need a cover they add a flannel sheet-like arrangement of three thicknesses. It is also much longer than the bed so there are extra bunches of thickness. I must admit this feels wonderful when you are having a chill and they bring you one out of the "oven" but is a royal pain when you can't move from the weight of it.

I had been up all day so they put me to bed about 7 p.m., and I started with my granny gown without the "horror" blanket. As I "began to cool" I just could not face putting it on. Around 8 p.m., I had a sudden flash of how comfortable my chair at home with the "throw" that you gave me for Christmas was going to be when I slept there again! I called Marty and asked her to go by and pick it up for me to use here. It was perfect. So warm, I changed back to my summer nightgown and at last had a comfortable night and slept well. I am going to sleep for a little while in my chair at night and it will be in use there.

I think our plans are now in place to hang around the hospital, leaving in the early afternoon. My lifeline contact (neighbor) that works at the hospital and Sandy and Charlie are in favor of it, as I am. There are serious storms threatened but so far seen to be mostly wind. I am pleased that they plan to spend the night at my place. (And, I guess a few more, too.

Another milestone toward recovery: I was just allowed to go to the bathroom without calling a nurse to make sure I made the 7 steps each way. Will miss the proximity at home, but not really. Besides that can count for some of my walking each day.


"There's No Place Like Home." I am home in my comfortable chair with my feet up, gentle breezes blowing thru the room with "dappled" sunshine and comfortable in a sundress. What a change from being huddled in an uncomfortable chair, for hours on end with only toilet breaks and required walks in the corridor with the AC on high in the whole place. Leaving was emotional as I was wheeled to the car. It was in CA, too, but that was 5 a.m., so not many around. One of the 2 lunch girls, told me today that they had declared me their favorite patient.

Sandy has the suitcases and sacks unpacked and put away and Charlie has made some improvements to ease some little tight spots. Sandy has dinner under control and they are now getting a little relaxing time in peace and quiet in my air conditioned bedroom.

The rose looks right at home on the opium bench in the front room where I can see it well.

I am looking forward to gin again tonight -- however, I am surprised that I really haven't missed it.

I am looking forward to sleeping comfortably in my recliner for a little while until my leg is a little further along as I did with the other leg.

Charlie convinced me to come out onto the deck:

Sandy here -- I talked her into including this image: HURRAH!


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