Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Last Day!

6.VI.07 - MoM

Last night was by far the worst this time and I think even last. I kept my self awake until 11 to I could sleep better, then woke up at 3:45 for good. The rooms are air conditioned and I had gone to my regular summer night gown after freezing in the hospital gown. They had to add so many layers of blankets that I felt like the cheese in a grilled sandwich. Tonight, I will wear the granny gown I have with me and hope I can get by with fewer blankets. I did sleep another half hour at about 6:30 a.m. Today is the big "conference" about future plans. I'm really sorry I was agreeable about staying till Friday instead of going home on Thursday. Not sure at all that I can last that long.

I finally called Bill Fendrich last night. Yet another nurse told me that the forbidden use of cell phones in the room was not a hard and fast rule. So, I took advantage of that. The connection was not too good at the start. I started the conversation with, "Well, I did it again." There was a pause, the Bill said, "You got married again?

Today, I am wearing slacks and a sweatshirt, ready to add a tee shirt and may soon put a blanket on my lap. I have had a longer than usual hall walk and some strenuous exercise. I was scheduled for another session with another girl, but she isn't here yet. They have been having some staffing problems, currently.


The conference is over and things are shaping up well! While Sandy could use another day to prep, she could understand how very much I need to get out of here. (Still need to get doctor's okay, but plan to leave here tomorrow afternoon.) Yesterday, Sandy had decided that she could prepare some food for me since was planning to check on me each day anyhow. Starting next week I will have someone there a couple of hours a day to do who knows what for a week or two. Part will be checking how I do things and see to my immediate needs. It will require my being "homebound" but I don't think that is a real problem and I expect to be so glad to be back home again and control the temperature, watch the garden grow, enjoy the birds -- I have a large window here but only birds have been a couple of robins and several ugly black grackles or crows, take pictures of birds with my new camera, have my computer in my lap instead of on a table mid-chest high, take my 15 minuet naps in comfort instead of with my forehead on the space in front of the computer, not be confined to an uncomfortable chair from 6:30 a.m., till about 8 p.m., with only time out for the bathroom and the walk, etc., that I will be happy, housebound for a little while. However, as hospitals go this is better than most. They really try hard to please, especially with meal choices and extra food desires. I am going to arrange for Tom Nelson to come to the house again for a series of exercise therapy and as I think I said before, I am going to try to really work on exercises regularly.

The nasty weather tomorrow is now slated for noonish rather than evening. I am certainly not worrying about it anyhow.

Time out! Just had my "kitchen therapy" -- working in a life sized kitchen with tips to be safer while using walker. I did well, having had plenty of experience. Also for this recent experience, I will have to make a few temporary minor changes.

What a delightful surprise greeted the return to my room! The little rose bush is delightful. I have never seen such a darling little garden "gazebo"-like container. It will look great on the living room table. Thanks so much!

Just had another "hall" walk. Will have to remember to "stir my stumps" frequently when I am home. I will also be glad when I can get rid of the elastic sox.

Just think, hopefully tomorrow I can post from home without having to save it for Sandy to do.


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