Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007



Doing too many things at once here: monitoring Twitter and Bloglines, printing out pages of comics list that have duplicates marked on them, keeping the third eye (blind) on email.

[chunka, chunka, chunka...]

Okay, that little print job is done. I will take the pages into the Lib tomorrow, and begin the process of tracking down the duplicates, keeping one, marking the others to be offered up to other libraries, collectors, dealers... in that order, and hope some find a good home.

I spent considerable time today working on this, with the goal of getting through the A's. I did. There are over 2,600 of them. At least 1,000 of them are all the same title: a weekly British comics anthology called 2000 A.D. whose primary claim to fame seems to have been Judge Dredd. This project is giving me a crash course in the landscape of comics. Just about everything we have is a cast-off in one way or another, and the number of duplicates is a kind of inverse indicator of rarity, if not importance.

My plan is to go into the Lib tomorrow and do a trial run of the de-duping strategy I have in mind before going too much further. There is no good way to do this-- I only hope to find a workable one.

Also need to touch base with Laurie, our newly minted PhD hire. Her UF English degree specialized in comics, so we already know each other. Want to set up some digitizing projects, think about grants.

Besides working on that, I got the carpets swept, and.. ta da! an actual 5 minute room rescue in That Room. I completed decluttering the left side of the fireplace, and unearthed a fire wood holder bedecked with chickadees that Mom and Dad gave us one Christmas when we were living in the apartment with the working fireplace. I was happy to see it again. Since the current fireplace burns gas logs only, need to find a good use for it.

For dinner I made an unfamiliar dish called "Crab Newburg." Bill was surprised to hear I'd never eaten, let alone cooked such a thing. I tried to explain how when one lives in the land of wondrous fresh crab, one does not bother gilding the lily. With the inferior (but expensive) crab I had to hand, it was a good treatment, and Bill loved it. Had steamed asparagus with it.

You blogged in the morning, Mom-- good show! And up and dressed nicely to greet your doctor at 7:00 AM-- what a coup! It sounds like you are doing very well indeed, and I'm proud of you. I know none of this is easy. It's no wonder you amaze and delight the staff of any hospital.

Glad to hear you're going home Friday, and that they are giving you help with cooking for yourself. I'm sure you'll be much happier with food you fix yourself than with MIW stuff-- which is just one step up from hospital food, no doubt. At least you can control what/when you eat, and how much salt and other goodness you have.

Time go bed now. Need to be up and stirring (trying to be human) in about six hours. One of these days I should go back and tag my posts for the last few weeks, not that I'm all hopped up on the Miscellaneous meme. Finished the book tonight, but still have the notes and bibliography to go. A test of how much I love a non-fiction book is how closely I read these. This book will get the fine tooth comb. And then I read it again. Bill marked his pages and highlighted with yellow. Mine will be light blue.


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