Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Getting Ready

5.VI.07 _ MoM

I am going to Blog in the morning today. Sandy and Charlie are "in town" today doing things at Jane's place, so I am going to try to get this ready to send before they go back to SV.

Not a bad night. I was up several times but went back to sleep quickly. I dread getting up every time, but realize that it is hurting a little less each time so I guess there is a chance I may get back to what I thought of as normal a couple of weeks ago eventually. The recovery pain of the original break has faded from my memory so it is hard to compare it.

I decided to forgo dresses today and give in to AC with slacks, a turtle neck and an over blouse. A cool room at night won out. Nothing like being a little dressy in the hospital. It does get one noticed. I was really glad I was all dressed and in my chair at about 7 a.m., when my doctor came by. I have only seen him once before during this stay. I haven't had him long enough to have had an office visit but I am very pleased with him. He was impressed with my progress and how good I looked and let me know it.

We are planning a departure date of this Friday. We could probably make it Thursday, but the extra day won't be too unbearable here. Also, I am a little swayed by the threat of "unstable" weather Thursday night. It will be a little while until I can drag all my "required" stuff into my bathroom shelter. I know the living room should be okay but I am working at convincing myself that all the glass would not be a hazard.

This morning, I mentioned to Charlie and Sandy that perhaps rather than a 2nd handicapped toilet chair, we might replace the toilet in the front bathroom with a little higher one. It is only a couple of hours later and already they have alerted the plumber and are looking at a replacement fixture. The current one has needed replacing for a long time. During one of our recent trips away, Charlie had the plumber work on the flushing mechanism a little. Since I will be spending a lot of time nearer the extra bath, we are working to cut down the trip to my bedroom. When I take my daily "water" pill every step counts.

Anytime now, this morning, they are going to remove the staples from my hip. I will have to take my hated morning walk down the hallway with at least one more this afternoon. Then, there is Physical Therapy at 4:45 this afternoon and OT this morning. One will involve putting elastic stockings on using a gadget that I am not fond of. The scheduled activities are very loose time wise on their part and mine.

Loved the picture. I thought I had a mess! However, yours looks like a lot more bulky stuff with a lot less sorting and "parting with" decisions to be made.

Just had the staples removed while standing in the bathroom. Only stings for a little bit. One more step on the road to recovery. Much more comfortable than yesterday, with my warmer clothes and now some blanket layers as well as slacks, today.

Will leave this open for a little longer. I aced the elastic sox test without using the gadget, but then did it with it to check out how it worked and it is much easier without. I wish I had of had the arm rubber things for exercise years ago. I think I have had some such things but didn't bother to use them. Will be curious to see if I can do better now even though I have good strength. I do want to keep it.

I have had a pretty decent lunch of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and some carrots that I am beginning to like. Forgot to check the dessert to ask for ice cream or sorbet so got a whipped cream pudding sort of thing with big berries -- not recommended for my uppers and lowers. So I had a chocolate crème from the box in my drawer.

Will wind this up for now. I should be able to send, but will wait for the guru.


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