Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Long Days, Short Nights (Revisited)


This felt like the longest day in the history of the world (not counting travel days). I got up disgustingly early (for me) -- 7:something. We didn't get home until 7:something tonight. I used my eyes reading stuff 10 of those 12 hours. Now they are in revolt, and threatening to escape my head and just roll away to look for some peace. I dare not abuse them further by blogging extensively.

My hopes for progress on the comics dups were dashed; my idea just didn't work. Gotta start over. Waste of nearly two days of effort. ( I apologize for all the typos and thinkos in last night's post. I see them now, and should go back and fix, but would probably just make more. Apologies in advance for those I make tonight.)

I did touch base with Laurie, but exactly that-- we squeeked at each other as I was sitting at a computer, she was hurrying through with some other people to a meeting. One of these days. Would like to finagle her a trip to Palm Beach next week, but may already be too late.

We went to lunch with Barbara, who just got back from another cruise, taking several of their chilren with them-- the Mediterranean, from Barcelona to Istanbul and back, many interesting stops. Sigh. However, her tale of being stuck on the ground, in the plane at JFK for 9 hours was enough to cool my travel lust.

Dinner canceled due to the largeness of the lunch and the lateness of the hour. Lots of leftovers in the fridge for grazing purposes. Maybe I'll cook on Friday, depending on whether I go into the Libe of not. Probably not, as I need to find a dress for the next Par-tay, which is on Tuesday.

Glad to hear you're going home a day early, Mom. I'm sure you'll be happier there, despite having fewer dedicated care-takers. Also glad the flowers arrived before you left. As soon as I saw that gazebo thing, I thought it was you. Enjoy your yard, your birds, and your creature comforts. But take it slow!! Now is not the time to get too frisky. Baby steps. And please accept any and all help people want to give you. That's what friends and family are for.

Sandy, your latest audio-find sounds wonderful. Almost enough to make me wish I had more places to go in my car, and a convenient public library (with LOADS of parking) to visit. I haven't listened to a new audio book since we got Moonbeam-- the disconnect between Blue's tape and Moonbeam's CD player has me paralyzed. That, and the fact that there is once again a local radio station I enjoy. I miss being read to, though.

Stillroom Maid is next up for me. Took a break to read Sense & Sensibility, and a bit of Emma. Now ready to go back to the Mysteries.

And thanks for reminding me of Chris's pronouncement on oysters-- Classic! I also remember that he once ordered oysters for dessert (after an oyster appetizer and oyster main dish). A man after my own heart! As, of course he would be, being my brother and all.

Two nights in the 40s in early June?! Good god. If that translates into some more cool weather here, we're up for it. We were pelted with huge blobs of rain getting from library to car, then blinding downpours while in traffic, but nothing when we got to our own parched yard. Such are the extremes of Florida weather.

Your garden sounds spectacular, as usual. But nothing I take for granted. I'm endlessly fascinated by the miracle of bare ground to thriving plants to wonderful food. Seeing pictures of it happening is almost as good as being there.

Whoa-- looks like I have a chance at an early night -- it's only 12:30! Wish me luck.


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