Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

13.VI.07 - MoM

When I was getting dressed (in my chair) and starting my day, I didn't see my glasses beside my chair. I decided it was time to try to go through the tote box and fold things, discard some of the clutter, meanwhile keeping an eye out for the glasses not sweating it, as I hadn't checked the bathroom. They were in the bathroom.

It was another day of sitting, doing some walking around the house, with not much else accomplished. A bright spot was Sandy and Charlie here at lunch time. I enjoyed the leftover roast beef, gravy and potatoes. Then they were back to Jane's house.

I had an interesting experience this morning, when a man appeared promptly at 8 a.m., saying he was to meet Charlie here to talk about installing an air conditioning! I was quite surprised as they aren't likely to do anything as major without checking with me. Since Charlie is never late, I began to suspect something wasn't right about 10 after. I called Sandy, and she told the man he was supposed to be at Jane's house on 8th Street. He was there to give them an estimate.

I had our AC on only about 15 minutes this afternoon even though it was quite warm. I can feel the cool breezes outside already. Won't needed the little blue blanket till later tonight.

About 7 p.m., I decided on a 15 minute nap, forgot to set the timer and didn't wake up till 8 p.m., Thank goodness, I had already had my Boost, but was not happy about the long nap as I have enough trouble sleeping.

No letter from the past tonight as the one I wanted to copy was a little faded and hard to read in "lamp" light. Will start earlier tomorrow.


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