Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

No complaints (except a little warm) for yet another day

17.VI.07 - MoM

I had "all my ducks in a row" and was just ready to start coping from the pale letter yet again, when I had a very welcome visit from Ruth and Dave Wood, complete with flowers, a card and a piece of the cake she made for the party that Sandy and Charlie had attended last night, too. Very nice time. Earlier I had a good call from Chris and Kay.

I started the Celebrex, today. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I won't be allergic to the sulfa. I am only to take one pill a day for 10 days. I will stop it if my stomach acts up. It was at least 10 years ago when I think I took it before a dental appointment and was on about day 8. I was a little less sore today than yesterday, I think. My lower back seems to continue to give me the most uncomfortable-ness.

I hope you are able to conquer your insomnia problem, Suzy. I can remember many sleepless nights, with DoD blissfully getting his 8 hours. He insisted that I had to go to bed when he did (on Oregon Avenue was immediately after the 10-15 p.m. radio nightly news.) By Berry, and the fact I worked till 9 p.m., I was able to slip into bed at 2 or 3 at.m. without waking him. I will never forget how terrible it was to lay there quietly and wide awake for hours.

I started the 1 celebrex a day this morning that has a little sulfa for pain. I think it helped, but not sure that plain Tylenol would not do the same thing. Only supposed to take it for 10 days. I really enjoyed the rest of the Japanese food that Sandy had brought yesterday -- my dinner tonight. Didn't even bother to heat it.

I was just about ready for a quickie nap, late this afternoon, when Ruth and Dave Wood came by with flowers, a cards and a visit. They are just back from some travels in Italy. A lot of my card designs were created when I needed a "get well" or "thank you for your hospitality" occasion for them. It was a very good visit. Luckily, I had turned on the AC a little earlier this afternoon. It has been off the rest of the day. I am going to sleep in my chair again tonight, so may have to have it on for a little while.

I didn't get in a nap, so I am looking forward to an early bedtime. Sandy just called. Charlie has already made the 4 inch tall frame for my recliner that the PT girl suggested to make it easier for me to get out of the chair. There is one fraction of a second when I give up leaning on the low arms of the recliner to a transfer of the weight and balance to the walker. Chris (PT) noticed it while Charlie was here and suggested raising the chair. I have been working to "smooth" out that transfer, but this should be easier.

I was determined to get back to the continued copy of a letter for the blog. I barely had a few lines done when the Woods arrived. By the time they left the natural light was gone, so will try again tomorrow to start earlier.

I practiced some more with the new camera, especially now that I can discard any I don't like. I think I got a pretty good close up of one of the squirrels on hind legs on food tray, trying to get seeds from the hanging food feeder. I will check with Sandy tomorrow to see if I am on the right track with the card for this camera in my HP little printer. I am going into this slowly and trying to get the various steps for each feature fixed in my aging brain.

Coolish breezers are trying to make an appearance with a few fresh light breaths. Not enough yet to count


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