Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Perfect Temperature

19.VI.07 - MoM


Thank goodness, I had a wonderful night's sleep last night. The temp was just right (still using only your blue "blanket" Suzy, and didn't wake up all night. I awoke just before the 5 a.m., alarm. Rita, the nurse was coming at about 8 (made it at 8:30 after I had finished my cookies and tea.) All "vitals" were good so will cut it from twice a week to once and for only a few more weeks.

The at least 6 foot tall Scandinavian girl (Christa) was by about noon to watch me do my leg exercise and watch me walk to report on progress. I will always be grateful to her for suggesting raising my recliner so I didn't have a spooky few seconds as I transferred my strength from the low chair arms to the much higher walker as I stood up. And, for Charlie for building the platform and making it happen. She was much impressed with what he built and so quickly. She will continue to come by a couple of times a week to report progress. I doubt it will go on much longer as my progress continues so well.

Tomorrow, Ann is bringing lunch, Thursday Paige will be cleaning again, and Christa will be here Friday again. Sandy and Charlie were by on their way home from working at Jane's. The weather was beautiful all day and Sandy got in some golf in the morning. While she was here, she dished me up and miked half of the large tamale and half of the beans. Somehow, eating in my chair in the living room alone with the TV news, I have managed to clean my plate. The shoulder/neck problem bothers me when I sit at the table. DoD and I were both very slow eaters as we got older -- or course, we were both reading with out meals.

I have been keeping my new camera "at the ready" to snap bird pictures -- nothing else to take pictures of, but since they are "erasable," I am using it to get familiar and comfortable with the entirely different combinations of things necessary to use it. Haven't tried to print anything yet. That will come before long. I am particularly interested in using it with my HP Photosmart.

Since the hospital experience, I hardly ever play Freecell any more. I think I got my fill of it in there. I recently read in some of the info from there about care of a broken hip. The leg should be kept elevated whenever possible. At no time during the 10 or more hours at a time I was forced to sit in a chair was my leg up -- I even had to put my 200 page X-word book under to foot so it didn't "dangle" in space. I wonder if that had anything to do with it not healing as fast? Oh well, that is in the past and I am getting better in spite of it.

I am fascinated by how "into" a book you can get, Suzy. Very interesting to hear about it. I can remember not being able to put down a book even though there were things I should have been doing.


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