Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Slowly but surely a little progress

21.VI.07 - MoM

Finally, last night we had the city siren at abut 11 p.m. It wasn't very loud as the wind was blowing hard and we were having a little hail. Now, as I write this, the weather alert radio just came on. This warning is for south and west of us. There have been tornado alerts but not is our area. Hopefully, some other area instead of ours will get the excitement, tonight. Paige cleaned today and they didn't hear anything last night. Of course, they have converted their basement to their living quarters.

I made a couple more steps toward normalcy, today. I got outdoors to get the mail. I have been on the deck outside my bedroom before, but this evening the fountain needed water badly, so I used the hose. This afternoon I was able "walk" a little more normally and late in the day without pain. It was nice not to have to depend entirely on my arms to cut down the pain while I walk -- another giant step forward. Now, if I can do so tomorrow, I will be joyous. So far I haven't felt the least bit housebound. With the Wood's earlier in the week, cleaning (Paige), Rita, nurse to check my vitals, Christa, PT, Amber for the article, Ann's visit, Sandy and Charlie popping in and out, there has been someone here for some time each day. Next Wed I have the surgeon visit so will be my first outing,

By the way, what was the name of the book that left you so fragile, Suzy. Ann is curious. She has your problem of hard to put down what she is reading for sleep or reading during the day

I need to enjoy the nice temp we have had recently as we are in for 3 or so days of over 90's coming up soon.

Ate seriously on the salad and fried shrimps from yestrday and there is still a lot left. Nice to have such easy food. I had two little Tumbling Tom" tomatoes in mine tonight -- they were quite good.

* * * * *

Already, the sun has gone under clouds and it is beginning to get dark and it's only about 2:30 p.m. Will try to copy the rest of this pale print letter before it gets worse. This is still from 29.V.86 and from Saalfelden.

We have ordered a new large desk with computer work area and a matching cabinet with file drawers for my office. Meanwhile, we moved my little desk from my bedroom down and found a table from the hallway we could use for the computer room. DoD will use my former desk for spill-over in his office. So nice to have a plain dining room again. I an hardly wait for you to see it all. It is wonderful to have a 2nd toilet again. They put in our 2nd phone this week. It meant taking out the jack in my bedroom, but they put a 10 meter cord on both upstairs and downstairs so we can take them to any point in the house, even to the balcony or terrace. I can't imagine the phone company standing still for that in the States. Of course, one can do anything they want to now, I guess. [When I had my bad knee in Jamestown, and needed an extension cord to reach from our bedroom back to the extra bedroom/sewing room, I had to have a note from the doctor and could only have it for one month. They arrived exactly 1 month later to removed it.] The Fendrichs put in their own phones and had 7 of them. They ended up with so many that they did not have enough of what it takes for them all to ring at the same time so they have to hunt for the ones that are ringing.
Guess you are busy with the garden. I planted 12 lettuce plants and a few herbs and last fall's garlic looks great. Also, put in a few onion sets and will keep adding to them. Ate the lettuce in spite of the radioactive rain. Can't plant window boxes as they take almost daily care and it is asking too much of Frau Eder to take care of them while we are gone.
One of these days we will be sending you some information on things over her in case of something unforeseen happening to us. The Tischerei" (cabinet maker) brought along a very interesting woman to translate for him. She attended Bryn Mawr on a scholarship, speaks (and informally teaches) many languages and is a real character. When we return and she gets back from her summer in Portugal she is going to help us with our German. She used to have a travel agency, and seems to have done a little of everything. We have not talked to her about it, but if you should have to be the one to liquidate our things here I am sure she would be a great help as she seems to know a lot of people and is a real go getter. The Tischlarei also has a furniture store in Zell and seems to have some 2 nd hand furniture, so might also be a way to get rid of it. We know that one will never get much out of selling it, but anything is better than nothing and it would probably be easier than advertising it and selling it piece by piece.
This time I am really going to get this letter in the mail. I strted it the 1st of May and have made revisions to bring it up to date several times. Received Jessica's graduation announcement. Do I send a card, a gift or what? Maybe not enough time for a reply so will discuss it when we get to WVa. Any time in the fall except between about 20 - 25 September we are available for whatever you can work out when you are here. The Raths will be here then. Write until have to be soon to get here before we leave. Our love to you both.


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