Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


20.VI.07 - MoM

Hope you have had a fun anniversary. In all the years we were there it was our first time of eating at the Rittenhouse -- well worth the wait.

Just as Sandy dropped off my groceries, the storm warnings began. I asked her to get one of the office chairs into my "interior" bathroom. I wasn't sure I could get out of Lafuma so asked her to get one of the office chairs (with arms) into the bathroom. Since, I have been getting some stuff in there. RF is in a watch area for a couple of more hours. I made sure to get that good flashlight you gave us in there, in there as well as a battery "lantern," extra batteries for the weather radio, that I will take in if it goes to warning, Took in your blanket, but if I goes to a local warning, I'll dash in and get a comforter, on my way, I have the gin and ice in my walker basket, but it is getting time so may start my drink. While typing that they just mentioned the storm toward us, so I guess I'll complete the move, unplug the computer and take it in with me.

By the time I got all that in order, the sky was clear again but they and our warning was due to run out in about 15 minutes (7:45 p.m.) I wasn't all that comfortable in there so decided to move my computer, weather radio and other little things back to my living room when they extended our watch till 10:00 p.m. We are under a severe thunder storm watch.

Sandy called after they were clear and we decided in the near future, we are going to stock the front bathroom with the basics and things that keep, so I don't have to go through all this rat race, especially as we are entering the nasty season. It was a little different when there were two of us but alone it is a little different. When Chris and Lisa lived there they invited us down to their basement a couple of times.

I had a very nice afternoon with Ann. She brought the shrimp salads from Applebees and we ate from comfortable chairs in the front room. Of course, I have lots of left over.

After Sandy and Julia had a fun day out, she picked up the few things I was getting low on at the grocery store.

Thunder has started and it is getting dark.

THE article appeared in the local paper on the newsstands today and will be in the mail tomorrow. It is on a page by itself, so the two pictures are large. One was okay, but the other one is pretty bad. There are the usual number of errors -- I should have insisted on checking it, but I could have been uch worse and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Oh well, I doubt if many will wade through all of it.

The thunder is getting a little louder. I should proof it and maybe I might get it back and do it later, but for now I think I will just send it as I am beat.

I am so tired I am tempted to go to sleep in my chair and hope the local siren would wake me up in time to get to the bathroom. However I am hearing more distant thunder. Nuts -- that thunder is just north of Hudson in Summerset and it being extended till 10:15 and chance of tornados, etc., etc.

* * * * *

I am going to try again to copy from the letter with pale faded ink that I have been trying to start early before I needed lamp light. This letter is from Saalfelden, written to Sandy and Bob on 29.V.86.

We have not done much traveling but did go to Chur for a night, then rode the Glacier Express to Brig, changed trains and went to Lausanne for a night to meet with the Fendrichs to talk to them about the WVA lease we were writing up as they help us with things like that. Nice little break. We went to a "Messe" in Innsbruck and stayed overnight. Took a day tour to Chiemsee on Mother's Day. Took several half day and day tours this past week. But a lot of our time has been spent looking for inexpensive furniture (is there such a thing?) to put downstairs, mostly of the storage type as we have at least one "major" piece for each room. I have been saving money for this for quite some time. I don't know how we got along without a microwave -- I bought a nice little one a few weeks ago, and now also am delighted to have a real freezer again. No end to the things I can do now that I have it.
In Zell we ordered 2 recliners which are almost as scarce as hen's teeth over here. We plan to move the 2 seat sofa down to the room like my bedroom and make a sitting room out of it. Bought an inexpensive coffee table and end tables for it, too. Also, ordered a nice office chair with arms for DoD. He needs to be comfortable at his desk as he spends lots of time there massaging figures. Still need rugs, curtain rods, curtain, and many other things that really add up. Also, as there are no closets we are having a man build one for the guest room. However, there is a little "broom" closet off the foyer and he is going to put shelves in it for me. We are getting another bed for the guest room to match the one you don't like that we had in DoD's "Buro." I have slept on it several times and did not find it all that bad. Besides, if does not cost like a real bed. I am sure you are really going to injoy having a whole "guest suite" to yourself. Too bad Bob can't be with you.


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