Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fire (Curry) on the Fingertips


Happy Birthday, Marty. I too vividly remember the day of your birth and the phone call from Sandy herself, but absolutely refuse to believe it was 44 years ago. Nope. Not possible. Does not compute. Besides which, you are way too beautiful to be that old.

Very glad to hear Julia made it over for the celebration. And I hope you do start Twittering along with the rest of us. Much less demanding than blogging.

As for my day, well:

"Be careful climbing that kickstool not to bump your head on that range hood."

"What, me, bump my head on that huge, scalloped metal range hood? You must be out of your... OW! I've bumped me head, I 'ave!"

And I feel like Slim in G.A. the past few weeks, birds and bells circling around my head. Sinuses on that side going nuts also. One little thing goes wrong: only giant size Listerine available; too big and heavy for my hand to manage. So I go in search of a funnel to dump the stuff into a size bottle I can manage. And end up wounded.

I did get out to shop today. Needed some stuff at Best Buy, in addition to ground lamb-- which I found today. Yay! The lamb burgers from EdF were lovely: meat mixed with scallions and some curry, served on "peasant bread" with a Feta/yogurt sauce and thin lengthwise peeled cucumber slices. Had this with Martha S.'s take on cuke/ sour cream/ dill salad. Nice summer meal. And my fingertips still smell like curry.

Glad to hear your life is settling into some good routines, Mom. And how timely that this is Ann's season to be in the area. It was really nice to meet her when you were in Florida last time, so I can picture her. And wonderful that you can get out of your chair with more ease and confidence.

Overcast today, and the air was so humid I had to do the side stroke to reach the mailbox. It didn't rain, but drops of water just appeared in midair-- perfect demo of super-saturation. We are about to sink into the swamp of Florida summer. I'll take it; at least it discourages fires and smoke.


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