Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Last day of a busy week!

22.VI.07 - MoM

I just had to take a quickie nap of 7 minutes before starting this so I could stay awake for one of my fav news guys on while I write this.

After some sleeplessness during the night, I got a slightly late start to the day. Today was for the PT girl during the noon hour. I was walking tolerably, but not quite as painlessly as yesterday. I guess I can expect these ups and downs.

Since I didn't need anything, Sandy wasn't coming in, today. However, she called about 2 p.m., to check for sure. A new problem had developed -- my phone rang when she called but when I answered her call she wasn't getting through to me. After trying some things she had the Wood's call and it worked as did my cell. Finally narrowed it down and found that it was her SV phone that wasn't getting through to me.

Yesterday, she had tried to get the listing in my name in the phone book removed -- it was leftover from my internet dedicated line. She had tried to get it out of there several years ago. DoD and I are still listed together on the next line. The ex-computer line just rings endlessly to the caller, but nothing to me. The number does nothing although it has been reassigned to someone else. So, she could not get a referral when someone tries to call me on it and they promised to get it out of the next book. (This is not the first time for that.) The Woods are typical -- they tried to call before coming to see me Sunday, but did not try the 2nd number, so had called Sandy to see if she thought I was home.

While Sandy was here, I asked if she would check with my bank about my Master Card that I have had for at least 15 years through them, although I very seldom use it as I get money back from my Amazon/Visa. As usual, I hadn't used it this month but my MC card had only a $40.00 finance charge on the entire bill. Turned out that if there were no charges for a year or so, they began to charge this every year! Needless to say she got it closed and removed from my bill. It turned out to be a further errand day, as I want my cell phone bill to be automatically paid to the bank and it had to be handled at their downtown RF office.

At least, Sandy and Charlie had managed some golf so their day wasn't a total loss.

I am still not doing a lot around the house but at least, I have a shiny sink most of the time again.

I haven't forgotten you anniversary check. It is written and I expect to get it mailed one of these days, soon.

I got a lot of mileage from the Tex-Mex (tamale and beans tonight) and salad and shrimp from what Ann brought. I need to pick my AgroGrow huge crop of tender lettuce and home grown lil tomatoes that will make a good salad tomorrow. Not sure the store avocado will be quite ripe enough. I continue to add to the days food with Boost and V-8.


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