Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A hot one today!

26.VI.07 - MoM

Although I am starting this at 4 p.m., I may have to interrupt it for a 15 minute nap. (Managed to stay awake.) And, that might be interrupted by all sorts of things. Chris came by to cut the grass but the battery on mower is dead again, so I can see a new one in its future.

Today included Ted, the gardener, weeding, the penultimate nurse visit and the PT girl, with another visit scheduled for Thursday. Charlie came by and watered my deck plants in the late afternoon. The hose is now back where I can reach it and do it myself.

I had to turn on the AC in the early afternoon -- we had an 88° day. Supposed to cool down this evening. Due to the noise, I have it off already. Not much chance for napping. Will try for an early bedtime.

Tomorrow, I have that 9:20 appt with the surgeon. Still having more pain than before so look forward to see if that is normal.

My "dinner" was good for a hot evening -- sliced rotiss chicken and a lot of the salad greens I grew in the AgroGrow dipped in some excellent Caesar salad dressing Sandy had brought me. Cookies, Tea, ice cream, Boost and V8 filled out the day. I am increasing my serving sizes and my appetite is increasing.

I am still hoping to get some new family stuff to copy soon. With my dull days, I really need to get back to dairies. Still frustrated that I haven't come across Dan's teen-age diary yet. I know it is in my closet somewhere! I also have another of hers with the entry about the first time she met "Grandma" (Soares).

Hope your plumbing woes are taken care of. The first hour of a service call here is $90 and each additional hour is $75. Just wrote the check for $357 for the new toilet in the front bathroom, used by guests, mostly.


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