Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Supposed to be really hot, tomorrow!

24.VI.07 - MoM

I began the day feeling depressed and weepy. No really good reason. However, with the Sunday paper and my cookies and tea, my mood improved without realizing it. I am glad that my visit with the surgeon is coming up on Wednesday so I can see if things are healing properly as it continues to be painful when I walk. I took an Advil after breakfast and another after lunch.

By the time I had my tea/cookie breakfast with V8 juice and the cheese/chex mix to finish it off with the Sunday paper as well as "Meet the Press," my mood was better. By then, I was having trouble staying awake. Finally had to give in to 3 15-minute naps.

I finally got around to cutting the lettuce "jungle" of the AgraGrow in the afternoon and have a nice bowl of large lettuce leaves. I ate at them while doing it so had my greens for today. I also got the indoor tomato plants trimmed back and tied up.

Late this afternoon, I was surprised to see Dave Wood at the door. They were having a hot dog BBQ party this afternoon and since I am not ready for steps yet, he brought me some macaroni salad, bean, corn, and other veggie salad, and some of the excellent cookie dessert. I was surprised and pleased to be remembered.

I managed to drag the hose around on the deck outside my bedroom to get the fountain filled with water again and all the plants there watered. It is a little exciting but I am getting the hang of it. Later, when Sandy and Charlie were on their way home from the Woods, they came by. I had not been able to water the 4 pots of flowers in the sunroom and they weren't doing too well as it gets up to 115°+. I asked them to put them out on the deck where it isn't so hot and I can water them. DoD and I bought a portable AC for the sunroom, but it can't begin to cool that room on a hot day.

I hope you had a less stressful day, Suzy. I can't believe the things you make for dinner. Not too unexpected that you have an occasional "flop."

What was the title of the book that affected you so much? As I said earlier, Ann was curious.

I hope I can get to the daisy note paper tomorrow and get the check in the mail for you and Bill, Suzy. Also, overdue with Marty's BD check.

I am still sipping on my drink, but won't be long till I go to bed.


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