Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy Birthday, Miss Julia!


Spent a long hard day at the Library, so this will be short. I do enjoy going in, seeing and talking to people, and I love getting my hands dirty with the actual comics-- started physically pulling the first of the duplicates. My process will work, but it is very labor intensive-- having to move heavy boxes from stacks on another level via an inconvenient elevator, and then paw through the comics, some of which are quite fragile, looking for the ones I want. This has convinced me that I need to go through the entire 14,000 line file and id the dups before going any further. (I'd just done through the A's.) That way, I'll minimize the wear and tear on the comics and the grunt work of hauling the boxes out. But it also means a long delay until I can profitably spend time actually doing it. Moan groan.

Spent more time this evening catching up on the Library Wars I didn't have a chance to keep up with during the day. There's a really good article in the new Wired that does a good job of explaining the addictive nature of Twitter. I'll try to find the URL for the online version. [Ah. Here it is.]

After a big lunch at Applebee's, we decided to skip dinner. I now have a very fine Plan B in the freezer-- Asian-flavored lamb chops with mixed veg stir fry.

Before I forget it, here is what Bill thinks is my next car. I'd already seen it in Wired a few months ago, and was intrigued. It would make a perfect runabout in town for me-- and no worries about parking it!

It's too bad your leg is not healing as quickly as previous injuries did, Mom, but at least you have the satisfaction of knowing your preceptions were correct. Go easy on yourself. Baby steps will get you there. Enjoy your outing, but please take it slowly and don't try to do too much. And do take pain meds when you need them-- and I'd advise preventatively before venturing out.

Bill had a long phone conversation with Megan tonight, helping her configure a laptop to take to college-- she starts at the University of Georgia in about six weeks. When Julia's turn comes, he would be happy to help her too-- he is exceptionally good at this sort of thing. It won't be long now.

And speaking of such things... Julia is now officially Big 1-6! How does that feel? I remember it well, but I'm sure it is light years different from what it feels like in today's world. I hope you had a good one today, @tiede246, and that you enjoy your adventure in South Dakota. Take your phone and Tweet about it! :-)

My favorite comic title of the day (and how could I make this up?) -- Biker Mice from Mars!


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