Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Actuallly grocery shopped, today!

29.VI.07 - MoM

I had a lovely day today. Except for the quick visit to the doctor, I had not been away from the house since getting out of the hospital three weeks ago plus the 17 days there. The weather was perfect, too. We decided that since I still have quite a bit of pain even with the walker, to take my old faithful wheelchair. Sandy had forgotten how awkward and heavy it is to get in and out of the car. Even with Advil, it would have been torture after even a few minutes. I am still in the market for a better walker with larger wheels, and now Sandy thinks I need a new, improved lighter weight wheelchair. Probably not a bad idea as this time it seems as if it is going to be slower to heal. I have to admit that mine is clunky -- there is still spattered wax on it from a lot of heavy use after my previous broken legs in West Virginia..

After a good lunch at WestWind, we did some serious grocery shopping. I really went overboard on quantity with "staples" like Kleenex, gin, etc.

The restaurant is very near the local ocular store, so it was a great chance to get my seriously crooked reading glasses bent back into shape. Funny, the last time I had it done was during my first outing after my previous break, when Chris and Kay took me there. The man there recognized me from last week's article. There were not may people in the grocery store and most of the employees live elsewhere so don't bother with the local paper.

Big headlines in the StarTrib sports section about one of the new Gator additions to the Timber wolves -- Corey Brewer. Looks like a fun guy. Is he any good? Haven't see a picture of the other one.

* * * * *

3.I.87 69 Kg Samstag

I was certainly happy to see that 69. Probably should add a small plus but it was close enough. That translates into 152-145 pounds. Still would like to get back to 145, something that I have not been for very long for some time now. Had a good night for a change.

Felt quite okay today. DoD vacuumed and I dusted. When the tree finally gets taken down, I hope to get back to the daily cleaning, but since I have become used to sleeping till 6 or 6:30, it will not be easy to get up so early as before.

Worked on Apple stuff and had a little time on mounting film. I was doing that in the afternoon and it was interrupted with a short walk in the brisk air with sun and everything snow covered. It was snowing when I got up this morning, but stopped mid-morning. May not be a total skiing loss for all the out-of-towners on holiday. Put 4 more new file folders into use. Hopefully, by doing a few a day I won't get so snowed under with the big mess. Had a visit from the "3 Kings," this time 3 nice teen-age girls dressed for the parts with an older girl with them. They came in and sang a couple of pieces in very good harmony (all 4 of them). The one with the "black face" always has the collection box. A couple of years ago they were much younger kids and did a little playlet in German, of course..

A letter to Sandy took time, but got it and her birthday check mailed. Used the paper cutter to cut off all extra paper, but with the check and the bill for Bob's reeds, it still went just a hair over 10 grams. Opened the new box of computer paper that we bought in September. It is a tiny bit heaview than the current, unfortunately. Could line feed airmail paper, but that costs more than computer paper. I doubt if the savings we are trying will ever add up to much, but sometimes when it normally would just top the next additional we might be able to cut it back. After all, we need a reason for the paper cutter and scales. [Don't know how I could get along without that paper cutter. I finally wore out the scales.]

I haven't been shopping since Christmas -- DoD has been doing it in small batches as the streets are not cleared well for the little cart. It saves money when I don't go, too.

Again, we had dinner at 18.00 and I cut out the ½ [drink], too. It is a matter of habit. I especially found that when I did not miss martinis New Year's after the food at the W's. Reheated the boiled dinner from last night but with fresh veggies. Think it will be soup next. Managed to stay up until after the 19.30 news. It has become such a habit with late eating for it to be my bedtime soon after. So, I was sleepy by 19.00. I seldom nap in the daytime so get sleepy earlier than DoD. Read until 20.30 then was more than ready for sleep.


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