Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

"Sleepy Time Gal"

30.VI.07 - MoM

I certainly may not being much else, but I am doing a lot of sleeping. I had another good night on my recliner and I kept getting sleepy during the day so had some more naps. Tomorrow I must make a real effort to do some junk sorting in the tote box I keep by my chair and get some bills paid. Of course, that will be after the Sunday paper and the TV section crossword puzzle. The paper usually comes early on weekends so no excuses -- especially if I have a good night and am awake early.

Chris got the grass cut today. He commented on how thick, healthy, and weedless the front yard is especially. Some years it was lumpy from moles or gophers, full of dandelions and brown spots. The sprinklers and True Green must be paying off. Also, the newly designed side yard is benefiting, too, but I haven't been able to get out to see it. Perhaps, when I have to walk for the PT gal next week, I will make a foray out there with her.

I still have my shiny sink, but things are beginning to collect on the counters. I have let them "slide" while my leg has been hurting. I will take Advil tomorrow and do a little work on them before they get really bad. Think I may have a couple of loads of wash, so I will try doing one each day for a couple of days. Should not be a problem. I just have to stop being so lazy.

* * * * *

Daily notes from Saalfelden, Austria.

4.1.87 69.0 Kg Sonntag

Had a good night again. Woke up frequently to check the temp in my room so as not to freeze the pipes, but the low was staying around 3°C (37° F) with a -6 of -7 (low 20s) outside. Quickly went back to sleep each time. Listened to the junk music from about 5.30 to 6.00 so I could hear the news. It was snowing again this morning. I had put a beach towel in the window in case it blew in and there was snow on it.

Did a small washing. Did a large, old horseradish root in the processor and it was even strong for me. Had to keep leaving the kitchen to recover and still think I could add some more vinegar and salt, but will have to wait until my eyes recover. Will just have to open it near to the food to season it. From now on will do it in smaller batches and maybe a fresher one would not be so strong. This made enough to last me for years, I am afraid. Still in the morning, after a load of wash, I made one of the little apricot pies and put together stuff with the leftover boiled beef and broth for soup for dinner. Managed to keep from snacking while doing it -- takes about the most will power of anything I try to do.

Finished the short roll of slides I started yesterday, but was making my back ache and giving me a tension headache. Later worked on new folders but developed a pain in back of skull on right side about to ear level as well as the shoulder and back ache. Did get 4 more file folders made up.

Again, we had early dinner -- 18.00 and we were thru before 18.30. I had used some leftover kidney beans with their juice and some already cooked shell macaroni in the soup with the veggies and meat. I thought it was quite good. Also had French bread. Managed not to snack and kept my drinks at the 1 ½ that I had cut to yesterday. With no TV that I wanted to watch and the stuff DoD had on was making me nervous, I decided to put on a little heat in the guest sitting room [down stairs] and read there until the 19.30 news. That worked out fine. It will take a while to get my system adjusted to the fact that one does not go to bed as soon as dinner is over. By 20.00 I can get ready for bed, read there for a little while and lasted till between 20.30 and 21.00. I guess I take after Pa to much on the sleep stuff. About bed time I picked up some headache problems (on both sides this time) so took a codeine and tylenol. Also, was having a little toothache with the missing filling. Went to sleep quickly.


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