Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Have my fav computer back!

4th of July, 2007

I was surprised at the fireworks noise and how late it went on, last night. I wonder what it will be like tonight. It didn't keep me awake, however.

Marty brought back my computer this afternoon on their way to one of Nate's brother's home. Ben really loves to see his cousins -- all boys. I could not believe how much I missed it, even though I had "Junior." However, it is so much smaller and some things were in different places so it really slowed me down.

Marty really put in a lot of work on my pictures. Will have more details later.

I wrote last night, but earlier in the afternoon when Sandy "breezed" through on her way to pick up Ben and hoping to get to SV before the called for storms, she unplugged everything in the dining room and helped me get a couple things into my "shelter." The light is "poor" in there, due to my having them take out the hated chandelier and put in one little baby spot, during our renovations. I hadn't realized how little light that was going to put out. We haven't done anything about the former "hole" so one of these days, I'll see if they can put in some more, then redo the ceiling. The lack of good light slowed me down while I finished the blog there and started reconnecting the equipment, but I had further trouble trying to get reconnected so you will get that blog one of these days. I kept thinking of things to do but all involved programs on my beloved "Major." Both of my handheld Freecell's require very good lighting so playing with them was too much of a chore. Now that I have the computer back on my lap, I feel complete again.

We had a lot of thunder and a little wind, but the storms were north and south of us again. I was prepared but didn't spend anytime in "my shelter."

I had a good night in my chair again and only was awake very briefly during the night. I had my tea, cookies and V-8 for breakfast. Decided to make the effort of having a Schwan's chicken pie, the first one in quite a while. Regular chairs give me a bad neck problem so I eat in my recliner with a lapboard. I really surprised myself -- for the first time ever, I ate the whole thing instead of saving half for the dinner next night. Still have my orange juice and Boost to go to complete the day's food intake. Before my most recent break, I was back up to 140 -- what I now consider an okay weight. I finally got on the scales yesterday and I am down to 136 (I think the past week I may have gained a pound or two). I am happy with this weight range but don't want to go lower.

* * * * *

Further daily notes written while we were living in Saalfelden Austria in 1987.

8.I.87 69.9 Kg Donnerstag

After I got rid of the strange pains on the back of my skull about ear level last night by sitting up in bed a few minutes, I had a not bad night. Slept some on my back and on my left side. Went back to sleep without too much trouble each time I woke up and checked the temperature indoors. It was -12 C (10 F) outside, but my room only got down to 1 C (34 F) toward morning so did not close the one window I had open. It was a little too cold outside to take a chance on having them both open. Have a little uncomfortableness at back of neck and lower back skull area. Took 1 Valium, along with my daily aspirin and moduretic for blood pressure.

Did not get up till 5:45 a.m. but did get the furniture dusted, then had time out waiting for DoD to get his weekly bath out of the way, then time to polish the baths and kitchen. By the time he finished I was already working downstairs so did not get to it. Still in good shape from yesterday.

Wrote Vista Club to ask them to renew our Hilton card. Also, wrote Chris a letter for his birthday enclosing a check. Mailed them both when we went grocery shopping -- the first time I had been since the day before Christmas. Save a lot of money when I don't go. Cost a bundle and really did not seem to buy that much. The snow is packed that it is almost smooth so the clips work well. Also, bought the tape for the drapes in my office so have to get to work on them soon. Want to finish mounting slides that are spread out on my sewing room table first so I don't have to get all the stuff spread out again. Takes a lot of stuff.

Want to diet, but ate ½ package of Knorr's Mexican bean pot with some added leftover corn. Will have to do better than that. Could not seem to get going after lunch and did not accomplish much. We had two Herald Tribunes that I skimmed, etc. Did get all the way thru the Berlitz 200 vocab disc I have made. I have forgotten a lot, but the things I have remembered surprised me. Neck was hurting some and having nerves about what I am going to do about it so took another ½ Valium. Felt quite depressed in the afternoon. The dropping dollar worries me, too.

Made a new version of ground meat -- one from "Elegant but Inexpensive" (not exact title) that was flamed with Brandy after cooking down some Spice Islands broth. It was quite good. Had left over corn and micro potatoes. Managed to make 19.00 with dinner and had my cut-down martinis.


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