Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Hot weather repreive, at least for a few days

9.VII.07 - MoM

I got the doctor's appointment that had been set up when I was in the hospital out of the way today. The last time I had some of my Rx's refilled my former doctor said I would need some blood tests before refills. I was happily surprised when the doctor said that the blood tests they said I needed had been part of the blood work that was done while I was in the hospital. I did mention that my little fingers and side of hand were having tingling problems and asked if he thought they might be due to the pressures of using my walkers. He was more inclined to think it might be corpal tunnel syndrome as he had taken notice of how much time I spent at the computer in the hospital, so they gave me a brace like thing to use at night if it bothered me a lot. The doctor also wants me to see my cancer doctor about the big white callus on my face that Dr. Crank had "frozen" the day she took out the stitches from my last surgery a couple of months ago. I am going to call them tomorrow to make an appointment.

The main part of the storm last night went mostly to the north of us and a little to the south, too. I didn't have to spend any time in "The Shelter" but we had some pretty good flashes and booms. Power was knock out over parts of the Cities.

I needed the AC for a while this afternoon but it is pleasant tonight. The storm which they had been expecting about 5 a.m., tomorrow has now been pushed to later in the morning. Somehow, it is not as spooky for me in the daytime as it is in the night here alone.

I really zonked out last night and slept quite well. I am not worried if I should still not be comfortable sleeping in a bed when Chris, Kay, and I go to Lake City. There was a comfy "overstuffed" chair with a large footstool that used to be great for naps in the units.

This morning, I sorted, yet again, some of the stuff that accumulates in the pigpen around my chair. Still more of that to do. Dinner tonight was simple -- the other, slightly larger half of the chicken pie of yesterday.

I hope you have solved your current drain problem. I seem to remember that plumbing has been a problem before. Really can be a problem on a slab. When we did our own plumbing in the original unit on Berry, we came up with a good solution -- a "ditch" space between the bathroom and kitchen, and with laundry machine drain with all the pipes going out through the wall to the septic tank. Can you imagine Los Altos now (or even Mt. View as it was then) letting us live like Okies while we were building?

* * * * *

Daily notes from Saalfelden, Austria.

14.I.87 69.5 Kg Mittwoch

Woke up early enough, but hated to get up in the cold. I had a good night again. That is always nice. Finally got up a little after 6 a.m. Did not do the cleaning and polishing as I wanted to start getting caught up a little on the computer records and letters as well as the German study and must get going on the drapes for my office! [I never did get around to making them and still have the material here. Only enough for 1 window.] The weather is still running well below 0 F and we really bundled up to go shopping. They called for snow but we continued to have sun. The south and east are getting the snow.

My back gave me fits at the computer so did not work too long. We shopped in the morning at Interspar and by the time we got home it was lunchtime, at least for me. DoD had started to work a little on getting his income tax stuff from computer and it turned into a longer job than he expected. I had a couple of leftover taco shells and meat so had a great lunch.

Received a bunch of Peoples, and a letter from Jan and Bill. Really feel bad that we had not written to thank them after their last letter as they have been trying to get our medical bills straightened out and most are done now. Before the mail arrived while DoD was taking a long nap, I had put a bunch more verbs on a disc and had a tired back again, so was happy when he needed more time on the computer. I was anxious to read the Sinatra book pieces in two of the magazines. Also, was trying to make "bird cakes" with some very stale peanuts and stale lard. Did not have as much lard as I thought so they do not stick together as they should. Will add some new lard but did get one into a net and will see how they like it.

Late in the afternoon did some more verb work as we were having an easy dinner again -- ham slice, macaroni and orange and avocado salad. The way I have been eating and loading on the Rama, it is no wonder I am not losing. Had a hard time not having popcorn in the afternoon. I can't help but worry about the very sharp fall of the dollar and worry makes me want to snack. And, last night on AFN they said that the administration wants it to go lower. Japan banks intervened with the yen to "keep it from going thru the floor to the cellar." Wonder where it will end? I can't keep from thinking of all kinds of contingency plans, something that drives DoD crazy. So, I just have to make a new effort to not worry, and, when I do, keep it to myself. I don't know that much about money matters and he does. So, some of my worry is needless.


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