Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Very Interesting


Can't believe I forgot to blog last night. I was occupied online most of the evening, and this morning was shocked when I couldn't find the post I was sure I'd made. Didn't realize I'd become that distracted.

Great recipe, Sandy. I'll have to give that one a try. I too am a fan of already-thin cutlets. I hate to have to pound meat, and tend to avoid recipes that call for it, if I can help it.

Glad to have the tidings of your garden bounty, too, although it makes me crazy-jealous. I know if I could get myself out of bed at a decent hour, I could have good stuff from local farmers markets, but I never do. Hell, I can't even get myself across town at ANY hour to Fresh Market, where they have pretty decent, if pricey, stuff.

Lessee, where was I? Dental cleaning went okay, my gums are swell, but two more fillings need replacing-- I was aware already of one of them. End of the month for that. Dentist has now gone digital, so they can show you huge blow-ups of your just-taken x-rays. It's pretty awesome.

Coming back, I made a mistake: I didn't turn left onto Newberry Road toward home, but went straight over to the store-puddle with Borders. Dropped a bundle there-- would have been cheaper at B&N, but they have a very nice spacious layout that sucks me in to buying more than I plan. The armload included the latest Armisted Maupin, Michael Tolliver Lives-- after 18 years, he's picked up the Tales of the City saga, in real time. All the characters are that much older. I'd picked up the previous one, Sure of You, at ALA in 1989, when I stumbled over him signing books as I was leaving the exhibits. Had a nice little chat with him, where he assured me that this was indeed the LAST one. I said I didn't believe it. And turns out, I was right! :-) I stumbled across the signed copy from that occasion, and am now rereading it. He writes the most magnificent dialog, it's not like reading at all-- you hear the characters talking.

Glad you liked The Stolen Child, Sandy. Tell me about Botswana.

Dentist messed up weekly routines, so Scooba and I didn't have our kitchen fun until yesterday. I tried measuring the water for the second round, rather than just holding the tank in the sink. Big mistake-- he ran out of water way before running out of enthusiasm. I filled him under the sink faucet, set him off again, and he performed like a champ-- three rounds on a single charge! I love little Scooba. His voice is sounding a bit gurggly, though, so he may need some more serious maintenance soon.

Didn't get out to shop today. Realized I had the makings of a swell hot weather meal at hand: an almost untouched piece of grilled Outback chicken, a bag of spring greens, Campari tomatoes and basalmic vinaigrette ingredients. Leftover white gazpacho, and fruit salad with the last surviving strawberries, rasberries and blueberries (from the Flag dessert) stretched with chopped apple completed a perfectly COLD meal.

Need to go shopping tomorrow.

Spent more time tonight attempting to unclog the tub, which we paid $350 last week to unclog. Think several infusions of boiling water may have alleviated the problem. We can only hope.

Interesting day: 07-07-07. 45th anniversary of my first wedding. Nan's birthday. Kay's birthday. (Happy birthday, Kay, if you're reading this.)

My email has been Very Interesting lately. And takes up way too much time.

Now I can needz crash on ur screen. G-nite.


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