Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

A lazy day again!

7.VII.07 - MoM


For some reason, it was a listless day for me and it started early after a pretty good night. Now that the day is over, I can think of all kinds of things I could have done but could not seem to get going. Perhaps my system wanted a nothing day after my efforts yesterday.

I am still enjoying my new walker. However, I am going to go back to my little old one for going out the door for the mail. The step from the house is such that it is necessary to have to lift the walker and it is a little heavy for that. It was a little too spooky getting back in and the space too wide to have good control.

More areas around the cities are rationing garden water. Hopefully, since I don't think there are a lot of people in RF with sprinkler systems that they will start it here too soon. I have a lot of money in this yard. It would be worse for Rita as they have only had their system for just over a week. For some reason, even though they don't have as large or as complicated yard but theirs cost more.

Guess I'll start my drink now, but I still have the taste of strawberries that Sandy brought me yesterday in my mouth. Perhaps, if I have a few "salt bombs" it will take away the sugar taste and convince my system that it is gin time.

* * * * *

Daily notes from our time in Saalfelden, Austria.

11.I.87 69.0 Kg Sonntag

Did not have a very good night as I developed the ache in my skull about ear level. No matter what I tried like changing pillows, etc., didn't help much. Took a Tylenol ^ Codeine about 2 a.m. Thought about trying to sleep in my chair as it seemed a little better when I got up to go to the bathroom. Finally, decided if it was going to hurt even when I slept on my left side I would try the right to see if it got worse. Did not get my usual bad pain from that and the Tylenol evidently helped it some.

Read the clock wrong and got up at 5.30 when I heard the snow plow go by. We were having very fine snow, perhaps an inch or two to cover the old snow, but it was still very cold. I did have one of my windows open last night. Did the dusting and DoD was going to vacuum but got caught up in TV skiing, and anything else that came on. I did 3 loads of wash. Found a little time for my German verb study and a run thru of one of the vocab tapes. But the most concentration is on the slidesso I can clear the ironing board today.

Headache again on the side of my head just above ear level, with some later neck gland pain in the afternoon. Took a couple of plain Tylenol for the head pain and eventually it cleared up as did the neck pain.

Finally got the French slides all mounted but have to write on the 20, although I have listed them and did put numbers on them. That cleared the ironing board so I could start on ironing the bedding. However, one comforter cover was enough as they were still just a little too damp. Will have to use steam on them tomorrow if I don't want to sprinkle them.

Made chicken broth in the afternoon, then poached a chicken breast in the broth along with carrots and an onion. Reheated some of the leftover mashed potatoes, reduced some broth to very brown, then made presentable gravy. It was not a TV night and so it did not matter that it was about 18.30. DoD listened to a super bowl playoff on AFN radio in the front room while having the TV on with no sound. Do not see how he can stand to sit and watch so much. I am glad that he is able to enjoy it, as it would be a shame to have paid so much for no one to use it.

I read in bed for a while. Had more head and neck problems during the night, this time with a sore glad in the front right side by my collar bone.

We developed some wind with the very fine dry snow that had fallen and it drifted in under our doors on the balcony and DoD's office, and even in the windows a little. I had to only crack my windows because of it and still had snow on the towel I put in front of them. It was -18 C (0 F) during the night but my room only got down to about 40 F. Heard on the radio that St. Paul has NO snow and they are trucking it in for their winter carnival. Heavy snow had come out of Kansas but went to New England where they had a couple of feet. The weather is crazy.


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