Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Threatening weather but next to no rain

8.VII.07 - MoM

Since we haven't had any rain for a while, I had gradually dismantled the "storm cellar" even down to the "executive" office chair. Managed to maneuver it back with one hand and with the other on the walker. The few times I had to moved my computer and weather radio in there was almost too exciting with my light weight walker. With this one radio fits into the tray and the padded lid that forms a seat is the exact size of "Major!" It was so nicely balanced that it was no longer scary.

While I was searching in there for the "D" sized batteries for me weather radio, Julia and her boy friend came by. She brought me a cute window medallion with a humming bird and flowers from her trip to the North Dakota. I would have loved to have such a neat boy friend at her age. (Walter didn't happen till my senior year. What a mistake that would have been -- he died (wealthy) at 65 and he and his wife had no children.) Carolyn Walker had a source in her office (Bechtel (Sp?)

The storms continue to rumble around us but so far not threateningly close. I had one of the most sleepless nights in quite a while so I fell asleep at about 5 p.m., in my chair with my computer in my lap. I hope I can sleep tonight between the storms and humidity.

I have missed the mini-get-aways that DoD and I used to take to a favorite condo in Lake City on Lake Pepin in MN. I got an okay from Chris and Kay, so at the start of the second leg of their visit, why not spend a couple of nights there? So, I was able to get reservations for a couple of their 1 bedroom units. There is a nice restaurant connected and you can even get room service. They don't do breakfast but there is a complete kitchen with everything, even a dishwasher. It is only 45 minutes away from home.

* * * * *

More daily notes from our time in Saalfelden, Austria

12.I.87 68.5 Kg Montag

Not the best of nights so I waited till 6 a.m. to get up. Only gave the dusting a "lick and a promise" and did not dust the floor as I expect DoD to do the vacuuming he said he was going to yesterday. Did do the bathroom and kitchen polishing. Inge called and happily she has some time tomorrow so we have asked her here to participate in making and trying tacos.

Spent the morning adding to my verb list on the disc -- a slow progress. Decided that I could just start with "LIST" and the number and when I tried to save, they seemed as if they were saving. What a let down to find that they did not come up when I called for "vocabulary" and the 48 that I had put on the other day were also gone. A whole morning's work shot!

Made an apricot pie for tomorrow in the afternoon. For some reason it was slow going, then I put together a salmon loaf for dinner tonight. That took most of the afternoon but did find time late in the afternoon to iron the rest of the bed linens.

Had a good day with neck and head. However, the minute I went to bed to read, there was the ache again. Also, had my toothache again so took a Tylenol ^ Codeine. It all must have cleared up after I finished reading (about 21.30) and I had a good night for the first time in several nights.

13.I.87 69.0 Kg Dienstag

Got up about 5.30. The low during last night was -24. Did not do a lot of cleaning -- just polished the bathrooms and kitchen. DoD vacuumed as we were due. Felt fine with no head problems in the morning. Got everything arranged for cooking when Inge came. Had a small bottle of "Champagne" which we mixed with orange juice and ice cubes along with some not so good nachos (cheese here not right). She is a good eater -- she ate 3 tacos, as did I, to DoD's 2. Then she ate a large slice of pie with ice cream for dessert. It was a real fun time. She is delightful to be with and answered some of the questions I have been storing up for her.

The dollar hit a new low mark against the schilling. Has dropped to 13.00 from 13.50 schillings. Went from 13.25, then 13.15 to the 1300 since Monday. Do hope it is not in a "free fall" that they have said was possible. Dumb American policy by the Regeanites to push it down. Has really messed up all the currencies.

Since we had had a large lunch, we had the rest of the salmon loaf, baked potatoes and cottage cheese and pineapple salad for dinner. I had spent the rest of the afternoon putting the verbs back on a disk. Had bad shoulder and back pain, but head and neck aches not a problem. Did not take any pilles when I went to bed and read.


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