Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Sinful Pleasures


I consider it a good day when I get up and the hour is still in single digits, and when I eat breakfast, it's still A.M. Accomplished both today, but barely.

Laundered sheets. Changed and laundered towels. cleaned bathrooms and scrubbed their floors (part of the weekly Blessing I missed last week). Haven't started this week's yet.

Made a splendiferous pasta salad with broccoli, herbs and tomato wedges with Dreamfield's low carb penne. I've been making these since Baltimore, but think this might be one of the best ever. Had it with leftover sushi and a dish I dubbed Bites 'o Protein: cut up and browned slices of Hebrew National hot dogs. Stuck toothpicks in them, along with some cut up cheese sticks. These too were outrageously good.

Thanks for the tip re: Hershey Special Dark sauce, Sandy. I got some yesterday, and it was sin-sational over that leftover Publix vanilla ice cream I need to use. I dipped a strawberry in the melted residue. Heaven!

Finished a quick re-read of Sure of You. It is sad, though nobody dies. Now back to Middle Earth and Rivendell, always a good stopping place, a breather before things turn truly dark. Although I might take a look at the Rehak book on Nancy Drew.

Then to bed, hoping to sleep off the sneezing and general weakness that has slowed this day.


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