Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Enjoying this perfect summer weather!

10.VII.07 - MoM

Whis I could send you some of this good air, Suzy.

I wonder if your morning sleep pattern was influenced even before you were born when that was my schedule? I think most of the time I got up long enough to cook a breakfast for DoD (nothing for me). and to give you a bottle, then back to bed again for most of the morning.

I was surprised that I slept so soundly last night, then I realized that it was about mid-night when I finally turned off the lights and it was 5 a.m., when I woke up. I wasn't tired so I started my day. The leg situation adds to my slowness and laziness these days. I am surprised that I only had one 10 minute nap and that just before Christa came for my therapy session at noon. It is now almost 5 p.m., and now I am getting sleepy. Going to start my dinner soon -- I found a Healthy Choice Salisbury Steak dinner in the kitchen freezer, something I haven't had for quite a while and about the only TV dinner I find tolerable anymore.

Today was garbage day and Charlie was working a Jane's so he came by and got it down to the curb. (He just called that he is "cooling his heels," as he waits there for Sandy to rescue him as his keys are locked in his truck and she has to come in from SV.) While he was here he noticed a little puddle of water on the floor at the back corner of the freezerrefrig and could find no reason for it, so I put in a call to Sears service and they are coming by on Thursday. I have kept up the yearly warranty for about 10 of our things and this past year it has paid off with earlier freezer/fridge repairs and the vacuum cleaner giving up so that replaced it with a new one.

I also put in a call for an appointment with my cancer doctor to get the big white crusty spot checked and frozen again to get rid of it. Now set for 30 July (Aunt Dottie's 88th birthday).

Since tomorrow is a lunch/shopping day, I am going to try to get to bed early. TV dinner will be ready soon.

* * * * *

Daily Notes from our time in Saalfelden, Austria

15.I.87 69.5 Kg Donnerstag

Woke up several times during the night and heard the news program. Did not have too much problem going back to sleep until after the 5 a.m., so decided it was a good time to get up and get going. Had a comfortable night. Had taken a Valium at bedtime to calm my worries and get to sleep as it was rather early and I fid not feel like reading in bed. That doesn't seem to help my neck and head. No problem with it during the night. Have been using one of DoD's smaller pillows and only have the bed elevated 1 notch. Still cold but a little warmer than yesterday. Weather picture on Telex shows us in snow but it is going south and east of us. Have a full pack on the ground, but I am always ready for more. Did not dust or polish. wanted to get in all the time I could at the computer, before DoD needed it.

At last DoD would talk about some "contingency" plans with the dollar dropping so fast. Also, he brought up the thought of perhaps going to California in April and staying until the house thing is settled, then stop off in WVA, too. And later even suggested flying to Minneapolis on the way. We really hate to put out the money, but something has to be done about California. We have lost over $10,000 each (Dot and I) having it just sit there!!!!! Now, I will be wanting to diet again. Clothes will be a problem as all my clothes for that time of year are quaint Austrian, unless I am back in slacks and over blouses. That was the problem last summer, too. They are more comfortable.

Spent a good part of the day at the Apple in between DoD. Sent Rosie and Fendrichs letters, as well as Thea's birthday letter and the picture of B&B with Sandy and DoD standing on either side of our rental car. Also, deposited the checks from Dot for Amoco and Iowa and a GTE stock check. Have been waiting for a Chem. Fund check, but it is late. Now that I have sent the others, it will probably arrive. Did not have time to work on German. I also packaged the beef from Interspar. Came out to $1.44 per meal. Not bad.

Did the veal with butter/cheese/herb stuffing and browned potatoes in the pan with it. Had sliced cucumbers and tomatoes. Having a hard time thinking up salads and veggies to go with the meal. The veal was particularly good as I did not overcook it. Went to bed to sleep early, did not read in bed as I think that makes my neck hurt more.


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