Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yesterday's Blog sent today

13.VII.07 - MoM

River Falls Day parade is underway downtown with much noise from many bands from all over the area, cars hooting, etc. Before long the outdoor dancing with loud music will begin and will last until late. Some fireworks just started even though it is still very light outside. It really sounded as if some fireworks were just shot off that sounded as if they were on the trail that runs just above our house. As dry as things are, I am not too thrilled about that. Later, I am sure they will have them down by the lake but since the trees have grown so tall, we can no longer see them from our house. We have only watched the parade once and that was only long enough to see Julia march by.

Had my PT today about noon. Sandy and Charlie had been running errands and had eaten at Subway, so they brought me by a sandwich. I hadn't had anything from there for quite a while and ended up eating a all of it.

They have been storing some of Jane's stuff in my garage, but they cleared in out to make room for Chris to park when they get here next week.

I got this far (including the daily stuff) and suddenly got so tired I could not face checking it and even transferring it to send, so I gave up and went to "bed" still in my chair and was asleep instantly.

* * * * *

More from the daily notes from our time of living in Saalfelden, Austria.

19.I.87 69.0 Kg Montag

I had yet another good night, but won't try to get away with sleeping on my right side again as I woke up with the bad headache. I was kind of keeping time on it as I had gotten away with it the night before for about an hour. I think this time it was only 45 minutes and there it was. I am certainly going to have that checked when we get back to the States. Had to close the one window I had opened at abut 3 a.m., as the room was down to 2 C and I didn't want to have to keep watching. Ungortunately, the thermometer is on the right side so have to wake up enough to turn over to keep track. If I could only sleep on my right side, or if we could move all the probes to the other side of the room that would not be a problem. Took no pills again last night.

Took the Christmas cards down from the glass entry doors and put any new family information on my computer file, then filed the ones with notes. It should make it easier for next year. Have given up on trying to codense the ifo and put it into the address additional sheets, then print it out as I did the first year. While that was a great ides, it was getting too volumnist and took too much time to do. The filling and bringing the computer up-to-date along with a Sepp Berka shopping pretty well took care of the day.

With the fast falling dollar we are having to rethink our plan for spending the rest of our lives here. we could codense back to one floor (when out lease runs out in 1 year, 4 months) which would take some adjustment with all the new stuff or perhaps, if she made the price right, get along just fine with giving up downstairs for the "Dacht Wohnung" However, DoD is thinking of the way the hotel prices, etc., are not only gaining in price due to the dollar, but the way the hotels have raisaied their prices all out of reason making it too expensive to travel.

So, it was a bit of a shock to me when he suggested that I try to buy out Aunt Dottie for both Iowa housesm live in one while we fixed the other, then move into it. I am not too interested in spending some of my inheritance for two houses that will never have much market value. Also, the thought of living in Birmingham after living here in this lovely, large house and with the views of the mountains and the snow took quite a shift in gears. Also, will mean trying to sell our appliances and some stuff here, shipping a lot, etc. At leastm, we still have a lot of good things in WVA. Also, would sell WVA as it is too hard to get around in during winter and the gnats are terrible for me. There are bugs in Iowa, but the gnats are not so bad.

Well, it gives me plenty to think about. Might consider living in the so called "New House" rent free, paying the utilities, acting as caretaker, making it comfortable, but sharing major expenses on a 50/50 basis until we could get the so called "Old House" ready to live in, then let that be her house. Many plus and minus things to think about.

Made Swiss Steak in the pressure cooker from y Micromatic recipe plus a few changes that I have written in and it was excellent, Just takes 15 minutes after browning it. Then, another 5 minutes does the potatoes in with the meat and gravy Had cauliflower with packaged Hollandaise, Good dinner.


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