Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

As Time Goes By


Thinking about the movie Casablanca tonight. Trying to remember the exact wording of a particular quote-- the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world-- and found it at once on the net. However, I'm left with the musical residue in my head.

Thanks to Marty and another Twitter pal, I now have an idea of what "Business Attire" means. Maybe I can start shopping tomorrow when I drop Bill off at work. This is so I can come to a retirement party at 5:00 and not have to spend all day on campus, when the real work that needs doing on comics is better done at home.

I blessed the floors today, both the terrazzo and the carpets. Yay me. Still have the dusting to go. And of course, Scooba and I are scheduled to tackle the kitchen floor tomorrow.

Girl Sleuth is wonderful! It has extended the stay in Rivendell, and that's always a good thing for the hobbits and me!

Okay, Mom, I'll bite: Why DO you need one camera for indoors and another for outdoors? Do you plan to leave the new one outside?

Just remembered sink is half shined. Need to go attend to that.

And just did. I wrote this post from bottom to top. Can you tell?


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