Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Nothing like spending money!

11.VII.07 - MoM

I had a busy and spendy shopping day. We went to Target in Hudson for an additional camera -- doesn't everyone have one for indoors and one for outdoors? I ended up with a Canon that has a little view finder or you can use it with the little "screen." Too lazy to lift computer off my lat to get the the accompanying book that came with it to get the proper names of its features. I need a little radio that I can listen to a couple of stations in the Cities during the night when sleeping in my recliner. When I get back in my bed, I will plug in my combo weather and network radio out there. Meanwhile, there is no place near my chair left to plug it in and I hate to use its large, expensive batteries. Since my other little one gave up a couple of nights ago, so now I need one for travel and in between like to have one in the bathroom during the night. It needs to be small so I can pop it in my suitcase for travel. Target didn't have anything like it so decided to go on line to order one from Amazon. It is due here tomorrow.

I have gone to sleep a couple of times while writing this and what I typed in my sleep didn't make much sense, Had lunch at red Lobster and I ate like a horse while Sandy (fast eater) got the new camera picture ready. We also shopped Kowalskis. Going to end this rather abruptly so I can get

* * * * *

Copying daily notes from Saalfelden, Austria.

16.I.87 69.0 Kg Freitag

Woke up a little before 5 a.m. so got up. Had a good night with no neck ache. DoD woke up too, and, as I thought he was up so I spoke to him, and wonder of wonders, he got up then, too. Made waffles for breakfast. The waffle iron works great, even tho it does not let them rise as much as our irons do. Did a couple of quick things on the computer before 7 a.m., while he was finishing breakfast.

He was down in his office and at it before 8 a.m., as he had a couple of things to finish. I used the time to work on the end of the French (still have one mounted box of Italy to label), then since he got into something else on Apple, I got the color prints numbered and put in little books, Also, have the ones I want reprinted right now ready to take down. Well, that shot the morning. Somewhere along the line we lost our AFN cable. TV still okay and checked the radio cable and seems to be working,

After lunch I checked my Sunset Magazines and found I had not received any since July. Wrote to them. and, finished my French slide labels. Back and neck hurting from sitting and using my arms, but even the neck is more like the arthritis (as the doctor calls it) pain. Susie and family arrived upstairs for the weekend.

Made spaghetti for dinner, with tossed salad and French Bread. Still not reading in bed but going to bed shortly after 20.00 Uhr.

17.I.87 69.5 Kg Samstag

Had a good night with my pills, after I took the Quintopan cough syrup at bedtime for a trickle. Tried to listen to the radio a couple of times for news but a basketball game was on. It was an extremely long one and messed up the 6 a.m. news. Was in tears when I found the AFN on cable was still not working as my little radio does not get the station during the day. Do hope it is a weather related problem, instead of no longer being available. At least, it has gotten me used to having something on, even tho most of the time I can't stand the music. Perhaps, having to listen to German, if I listen to anything, will exercise my German.

Spent the day at my desk. Worked on the files and made 20 more file folders as well as sorting the old correspondence alphabetically. Don't know why I hang on to a lot of the old stuff. Not going to have too many file folders.

Felt okay with just a little shoulder and back pain. Great glee, when late in the afternoon I found AFN back!!! Had fried chicken, mashed potatoes with some "wet sauce" (It could hardly be classed as gravy but did not try really to make gravy) and peas. Must start the diet again so I can be ready for California.


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